
Moby ID: 169521

NES credits (1990)

9 people

Direction (監督) Japan Backgammon Association [日本バックギャモン協会]
Music <Demonstration, Match Play Music Composition> (音楽 〈デモンストレーション、マッチプレイ音楽作曲〉) Koichi Sugiyama (credited as Koichi Sugiyama(Chairman of the Japan Backgammon Association)[すぎやまこういち(日本バックギャモン協会会長)])
Staff Toshiyuki Nakamura, Tadashi Inui, Noriaki Teramoto, Makoto Nakayama, Mayumi Morita, Yuka Tsujiyoko (credited as Yuka Banba)
Sound Programmer Hirokazu Tanaka (uncredited)
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Credits contributed by MusicFox.