
Moby ID: 38260


Bonus game

The Mac and Windows versions of the game shipped with an easter egg game, Icebreaker: The Text Adventure by Andrew "Zarf" Plotkin, who was working on the Mac port (shortly after completing A Change in the Weather), re-casting the game's gameplay dynamics in text adventure idiom, eg.:


You are in a pleasant grassy meadow. To the north, south, east, northeast, southeast, and southwest is a meadow; to the west and northwest is seething lava.

A red pyramid stands to the north.

A green pyramid stands to the south.

A blue pyramid stands to the east.

The text adventure level consists of a 6x6 play field containing 14 pyramids which must be destroyed. A deeper analysis of this hidden game can be found here.

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Trivia contributed by Pseudo_Intellectual, Patrick Bregger.