Space Empires IV

Moby ID: 3836

Big Features

  • 24bit 3D rendered graphics.
  • Support for 800x600 and 1024x768 resolutions.
  • Turn-Based Game Play.
  • Detailed Tactical Combat (and a combat simulator to test your designs!).
  • New vehicle types and sizes: Ships, Bases, Transports, Fighters, Mines, Satellites, Troops, and Weapons Platforms.
  • Completely design and customize all of your vehicles.
  • Detailed Empire management: Research, Intelligence, Politics, Construction Queues, Vehicle Design, and more.
  • Detailed game setup: Victory Conditions, Restricted Technologies, Galaxy Layout, Player Configuraton, and more.
  • Large Galaxy: 100 solar systems with 15 planets each.
  • Discover: Black Holes, Nebulae, Binary Stars, Trinary Stars, Asteroid Belts, Gas Giants, Cosmic Storms, and more!
  • Huge Technology Tree: Hundreds of tech levels, 500+ components and facilities.
  • Detailed Race Creation: Unique ship pictures, race picture, racial traits, technology, history, and more.
  • Completely customizable game graphics: Create your own planets, stars, vehicles, etc.
  • Completely customizable data files: All game information is in easily editable text files. Create your own Components, Facilities, Vehicle Sizes, etc.
  • Completely customizable AI players: Create your own AI players with unique traits, styles, and speech.
  • Game comes with 18 unique races to play or customize (or just create your own!)
  • Completely revamped and "futurized" user-interface. Very friendly and intuitive!
  • Randomly generated map for every game (or load an existing map).
  • Advanced Political features: Protectorates, Subjugated empires, Trade all possible game items, claim territories, and more.
  • Random Events: Rebellions, earthquakes, supernovas, industrial accidents, cosmic storms, and the occasional plague!


Contributed by Xoleras.

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