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Frank Herbert's Dune

aka: Dune
Moby ID: 5456

[ PlayStation 2 ] [ Windows ]

PlayStation 2 credits (2002)

117 people (90 professional roles, 27 thanks)

Cryo Team

Chairman Jean-Martial Lefranc
Creation Director Philippe Ulrich
Publisher Nicolas Bonvalet
Producer Philippe Bayle, Christian Peju
Marketing Director Michel Mimran
Brand Manager Mathieu Saint-Denis
Product Manager Simon Vivien
Legal & Licensing Manager François Breuillier
Graphic Studio José Fouzar-Alcala, Odile Mousseau, Thomas Jardini, Patrick Marchal, Benoit Grandry, David Delaigle
Purchasing and Process Manager Carine Lapouméroulie
Manufacturing Manager Bastien Lepetit
Assited by Sidi Benlarbi, Fabien Tanguis
Public Relations Mélissa Conté, Nicolas Swiatek
Sales Director Alain Briand
Export Managers Gilles Depaigne, Ghislain Pagès, Philippe Rickenberger
Sales Coordination Frédérique Barkoff
Test Jean-Luc Hadi, Régis Lenoir, Sylvain Poully
Localisation Frédérique Faucher, Pascal Merckhoffer

Widescreen Games Team

Roughs Nicolas Bara, Pierre Descubes, David Faugier, Emmanuel Linderer, Arnaud Simon
Additional Roughs Tatiana Domas, Guillaume Griffon, Nadia Rafraf, Mathieu Rivière
Adaptation & Level Design Emmanuel Guardiola, Jean-François Meiffren
3D Artists Emilie Anthouard, Nathalie Crolet, Adrien Debos, Anthony Fristot, Patrick Laumond, Jean Marie Le Nezet, Alain Donnier-Maréchal, Christophe Robert, Stéphane Mehay
3D Animation Ludovic Le Camus, Christophe Leulier, Gaël Marlier
Additional 3D Animation Simon Andriveau
Additional 3D Artists Nicolas Cheriot, Fabrice Lacroix, Ngoc-Duy-Vu Le
Lead Artist Robert Foriel
Programmers Christophe Dalys, Antoine Garnier, Slim Ghariani, Pierre Nguyen, Sylvain Poquet, Nicolas Seytre
Additional Programmers Pierre Catelan, Stéphane Chatellier, Matthieu Dufourneaud, Michael Greenland, Benjamin Hervé, Olivier Petit, Adriana Tapus, Franck Vidal, Cédrine Chiollaz
Lead Programmers Jérôme Berthier, Sylvain Paris
Game Designer Sylvain Blanchot
Art Director Dominique Peyronnet
Technical Directors Pierre Deltour, Matthieu Imbert
Project Manager Hubert Nourigat
Producer Olivier Masclef
Localization Coordinator Lucie Deniset
Administrative Coordinator Mikiko Tanimoto
Motion Capture Ex-Machina
Sound Design Ambitus, Yan Volsy, Serge Schmidt
Voice Recording Studio Scott Productions
Music from the Complete Score to the Frank Herbert's Dune Mini-Series by Graeme Revell
Special Thanks Anne Laure Bataille, Rémi Boudet, Yannick Capmarty, Renderware support team, SN-Systems support team, Christophe Reyes, Gael De Kernadet, Adam Billyard, François Millet, Ice-Dev, Julien Duchet, Catherine Ducros, François Forge, Laurent Helmlinger, William Le Henanff, Arnaud Josse, Lydie Leglehuir, Nathalie Longeville, Sophie Masson, Bruno Meschinet de Richemond, Pascal Mory, Patrice Paradis, Julien Petit, Patrick Proy, Oliver Schneider, Sandrine Nguyen, Nicolas De Lamothe
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MobyPro Early Access

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MobyPro Early Access

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Credits contributed by firefang9212.