Chuck Rock

Moby ID: 7428

Chuck Rock's peaceful existence has been shattered by the kidnapping of his beautiful wife Ophelia by the evil Gary Gritter.

In his quest to find her, Chuck kicks and belly butts his way through over 500 screens played over 25 comical zones of exciting and addictive gameplay.


UK Magazine Advertisement



He's fat, he stinks and he's one of the best-loved characters ever to climb his way out of the primordial slime and onto your video screen. In this rockin' new 16-bit adventure for your Super NES, you'll join Chuck Rock on his belly-bashing, odor-kicking, rock-tossing mission to rescue his wife Ophelia from arch-rival Gary gritter. You and Chuck, who's equipped with a pea-sized brain and nuclear body odor, have to crush some pretty strange characters, like the wild and wooly mammoth, one mean triceratops and a saber-toothed tiger who's permanently hot under the collar. Together, you and the Chuckster swim through swamps, travel up volcanoes and shiver your way through the ice age -- all in the name of love! Nineteen levels set in five prehistoric worlds. Eye-popping graphics and very cool animation. If you wanna rock, you gotta get Chuck Rock.

A chilly Chuck meets up with the wooly mammoth
Bring on all challengers

(Source: page 6 of D.C.'s "Showcase '93" No. 3, March 1993.)


magazine advertisement - SNES (US)

Chuck's a real rocker, and he wields a mean belly-bump... But will it be enough to defeat all the bizarre beasts and find his belονed?

Chuck ist ein wahrer Rocker, und er hat einen gemeinen Bauchschlag... Aber wird das genug sein, um all die bizzarren Biester zu schlagen und seine Geliebte wiederzufinden?

Chuck est un νrai rockeur, et il a un superbe coup de νentre... Mais cela sera-t-il suffisant pour νaincre toutes les créatures bizarres et trouver sa fiancée?

Chuck es un νerdadero lanzador de rocas, y posee un devastador golpe de barriga... ¿Pero será esto suficiente para νencer a Ιas extrañas bestias y encontrar a su amada?

Chuck è una vera roccia e possiede un'arma daνvero pericoloso... Ma sarà sufficiente per sconfiggere tutte le bestie strane e trονare Ιa sua innamοrata?

Chuck är stentuff och han har en farlig magtackling... Men klarar han att besegra de bisarra bestarna οch rädda sin älskade?

Chuck is een echte rocker en hij heeft een goede heupstoot... Maar is dat genoeg om de enge beesten te verslaan en zijn vrouw te redden?

Chuck on todellinen seikkailija ja käyttää rajua νatsalyöntiä... Mutta riittääkö se kumoamaan kaikki eriskummalliset pedot ja löytämään rakastettunsa?


Back of Box - Game Gear (Europe)


Chuck Rock certainly lives up to his name as he chucks rocks at anything in his path on the way to rescue his beautiful wife Ophelia from the evil clutches of his arch enemy Gary Gritta.

Chuck kicks and belly-butts his way through the 25 zones in five unique areas of exciting and addictive gameplay.


Advert in Commodore Format (Issue 27 Dec 92 p10) – UK


Você tem medo de dinossauros, nojo de lama, pavor de crocodilos? Então esqueça! Chuck Rock é um jogo para selvagens, para quem gosta de perigos pré-históricos. Viaje no tempo, volte à Idade da Pedra e encare esta aventura!

Você quer ser um belo e musculoso herói? Também esqueça! Chuck Rock é um queixudo Homem de Neanderthal e é tão feio que você nem pode imaginar. Mas como toda panela tem a sua tampa, até mesmo nosso herói tem uma namorada, Ofélia, que é quase tão feia - UGHH!- quanto ele.

O perverso e selvagem Gary Critter raptou Ofélia e agora você precisa ajudar Chuck a salvá-la. Para isso você não vai usar armas laser ou metralhadoras. Sua grande arma será a (acredite se quiser) barrigada! Parece ridículo? Mas não é!! Dinossauros, Tiranossauros, Tigres de Bengala e Pterodáctilos não resistirão à sua enorme barriga.

Lute na caverna, na selva, no oceano, no gelo e até mesmo num cemitério primitivo e ajude nosso simpático amigo das cavernas a recuperar ma amada Ofélia. Ou você deixará este amor virar coisa do passado?


Back of Cartridge Case - Master System (BR)


Chuck's mad and he's not going to take it anymore! That pebble-chewing, low-life-excuse-for-a-caveman Gary Gritter made off with his wile Ophelia! Now Chuck's gotta use his oversized bod to win her back. In this high-powered adventure for the Sega CD, Chuck belly-butts, odor-kicks and rock-tosses his way through an ice age, up a volcano and into a swamp. On the way, he'll run into some pretty strange characters, like the green triceratops, the wild and wooly mammoth who's very possessive about his territory, and the fat blue sea monster who'd like to make Chuck his bedtime snack. All this plus onrushing dinosaurs, acidic bubbles and boogie men! Has Chuck got his work cut out for him or what? Join Chuck in this hilarious adventure featuring 28 levels, five prehistoric worlds, incredible graphics, rock music and out-of-this-world animation. Plus a "continue" feature that gives you added gameplay and a "password" feature that allows you to bypass cleared levels.


Back of Box - SEGA CD (US)


Belly-Bonking Adventure

Once upon a rock, there was a primitive prince charming who was more evolved than the rest. His name: Chuck Rock. It's no wonder Ophelia fell for him like a two-ton boulder. They were living happily ever after until Gary Critter-one of Ophelia's many suitors— decided he had to have the lovely Ophelia for himself. So now it's time for you and Chuck to go Critter-hunting.
Watch out for the toxic lake as you forge through the ferocious jungle. The graveyard is a spooky place crawling with not-so-dead dino's, some of them even come back to haunt you after you've Belly-Bonked 'em.
You're in for an action-packed romp through the way - out world of one angry Neanderthal. * Use Chuck Rock's lethal Belly-Bonk to trash spiny hedgehogs, biting spiders, buzzing pterodactyls and lots of other prehistoric pests. * Chuck's mighty muscles let you pick up and hurl boulders at anything in your way—or use them to build bridges and platforms. * Dino-friends can be used as trampolines, cannons, airplanes and vehicles and other useful items. * 8-way scrolling puts you in total control of Chuck's every move * 5 levels of intense graphics and Belly-Bonking action!


Back of Box - Game Gear (US)

Contributed by jean-louis, Pseudo_Intellectual, ケヴィン, FatherJack, Martin Smith.

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