Forums > Suggestions > Scans of extras

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Patrick Bregger (303246) on 11/11/2014 2:07 PM · Permalink · Report

I can't believe that's not on the list yet. I assumed that would be one of the first few suggestions, but I could not find anything in this forum.

Allow scans of extra material (e.g. manual front/back, art book covers, advertisements etc.) respectively photos of unscannable extras (e.g. action figures) distributed with the game.

Bonus suggestion: spine scans.

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Fred VT (25949) on 11/11/2014 2:09 PM · Permalink · Report

Yeah. Would this even require any coding at all?

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Kabushi (261371) on 11/11/2014 2:58 PM · Permalink · Report

One could think hey could just take the cover code and change a few lines, but I suppose nothing is ever as simple as one would think on this site.

But this is something I would really like to see and the sooner the better.

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Fred VT (25949) on 11/11/2014 3:12 PM · Permalink · Report

I would have to go on a submission frenzy though XD I just don't have a good space to take photographs of non-flat extras :(

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Patrick Bregger (303246) on 11/11/2014 4:27 PM · Permalink · Report

Seriously, all you need are a more options in the dropdown menu. Just make a new section "Extras" (or make a few more, e.g. "Soundtrack", "Manual" etc.), done. We have expanded those lists before, so it can't be a big deal.

Sure, not entirely consistent with the options we have now (front, back, etc.), but who cares. In my opinion it would be better to have more options than labelling most of the scans as "other" anyway.

As far as I am aware there are some problems with the automatic resizing which would cause problems with spines, so that one would require work.

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Karsa Orlong (151778) on 11/11/2014 5:04 PM · Permalink · Report

Spines? I guess it's too late for this. Covers should be added as one, without removing spines in the first place or dividing into front and back covers (Cassette, Keep Case). I can't see how to fix this now without replacing half of the database material. Adding spines as a separate entry is a wrong idea...

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Starbuck the Third (22601) on 11/11/2014 8:12 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

The best way I can think of getting around it would be to have the spine displayed horizontally, and code the database to display them underneath the other covers. Takes up the least amount of overall space and doesn't make a mess of the layout.

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Fred VT (25949) on 11/11/2014 8:14 PM · Permalink · Report

Or we could have, for instance, two scans: Back Cover / Back cover (with Spine)

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Starbuck the Third (22601) on 11/11/2014 3:17 PM · Permalink · Report

Would of mentioned feelies and spine scans in the suggestions forum, but me and others have mentioned it plenty of times elsewhere and it's come to nought.

But yes, they really should be added.

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formercontrib (157501) on 11/11/2014 4:13 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

It was suggested about a million times, and nothing ever happened, "not on the list" is a real charming description about it ;) ... The argument for not supporting spines, box sides was always kind of "We need a way to handle it... using only OTHER makes no sense" - why does this not make sense?

Goodies, feelies, manual content etc. - fine, therefore we need more, to handle this in an impressive looking and working way, not really possible today.

But spines of keep cases, jewel cases, but most of all imho of boxes - as they most times include important info like ratings, specs, product codes andsoon... handling them as OTHERS - por favor, all existing arguments are more than poor, and max. "Sympathy with the devil Popper", that is and that was always annoying.

Even databases like for example the OGDB offers SPINES, BOX SIDES, GOODIES (photographs of the whole package) - see for example:

Monkey Island 4 at the OGDB

... sorry, but the alltimes so-called (but only from their members and owners) "Hyper-super-dubber MobyGames - No. 1 database all around the worlds and galaxies" - does not - with really outdated and lame argumentations... how will you grow and become the deserved no. 1, besides a handful enthusiasts in 2014 adding tons of new games, there's no need to be a prophecy, that this internal "hype" will end sooner or later (imo clearly sooner)...?

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Indra was here (20752) on 11/12/2014 10:03 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start thf wrote--]The argument for not supporting spines, box sides was always kind of "We need a way to handle it... using only OTHER makes no sense" - why does this not make sense? [/Q --end thf wrote--] There's an actual argument for not supporting this? o_O

Dunno why this needs to be complicated. Just create a consensus among approvers to accept such contributions in the cover art section and let the technicalities be handled some other time.

Waiting for a feature change has never been feasible.