Forums > Find a game > Real Time Strategy Game Forgotten, Please Help

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Julien Khalil on 11/26/2020 8:39 PM · Permalink · Report

Hello, I'm trying to find a game I played years ago, I hope the description I'll give will help you to find the game for me. I would be grateful.

What? Real Time Strategy game

When? I played the game between the years 2007-2011, sorry can't clearly remember

On what? On PC, Windows XP, didn't need high requirements, I had a pretty old PC but it managed to run it.

The view? You had a third person view from the top (like Age of Empire, Empire Earth etc... I was playing them too lol)

What did it look like? the graphics were okay i don't think it was a pretty old game. The troops had some sort of rank, the more they killed, the higher the star on top of their head became. I think the context had something to do with Vietnam war. I tried to search all of strategy games related to Vietnam but none of them corresponded. I don't know why I remember Vietnam, whether it was in a mission or campaign or the flag of Vietnam was the Icon of the app.exe (I remember sort of Red with a yellow Star)

Gameplay? I remember a mission or campaign that you had to defend a fortress (walls all around with few towers) that included your troops and building while the rest of the map was black (you couldn't see the enemy) except view zones where the mission wanted to lead you. I remember the troops being a rare resource, you had to save them as much as you could. Because the resources collected inside the walls were limited. You had to find a way to kill the enemy outside to search for resources.

One last thing, I remember 2 weapons that troops had that marked me (maybe because they were the only 2 in the game but i'm not sure about this), the first one was cannons, there were cannons on the map where one troop could ride it and use it to kill enemies. I think once you get it, you could move it too. The second weapon was the shotguns that all troops had as far as i remember. (the old long shotguns)

I think I noted down all what I remember about the game, If ever you need more information that it might help, and that I remember, I would be glad to help you find it for me.

Thank you guys, hope you get something

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MAT (241141) on 12/3/2020 2:59 PM · Permalink · Report

I dunno if all info corresponds, but around that time and with Vietnam setting and RTS and troops can get ranks (I think), could it be...

Men of War: Vietnam