Forums > Find a game > 2D point and click adventure game

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zeus org on 12/18/2020 8:22 PM · Permalink · Report

the story starts with a skeleton coming back to life, or something like that.

Basically it becomes into a yellow jelly with simple arms and legs protrusions, its face is like oval (there is no neck of sorts) with pointy nose.

right from the bat you have to find stuffs around to move ahead. i remember few stages.

first you have to go past a evil genie thats sleeping on a floating island, its like you had to bring two clouds together to make thunder-cloud to scare it away.

next was one where the character turns into a small fish, now it becomes like those .io games where he has to eat the smaller fishes to grow and become the biggest one.

then around the ending i think, he ends up in a cooking cauldron, with some goblin or troll like monster is preparing to cook him alive, he has to pick up some spatula from the creature's back to do something to escape.

also i think i remember there was a cheat, or some special bonus or its the ending, there was this huge egg that cracks open with a gigantic chick inside that helps our character escape ?

oh almost forgot, there was this route where if you had passed the genie you end up finding a clock, i think that what leads to our character ending up in a bedroom of sorts with a small cut-scene of sorts like it was all a dream.

i'm pretty sure the order is not right, but the scenario's are 100% from the same game.

it was a Windows pc game, i think anywhere from 2000 to 2016 release.

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MAT (241141) on 12/23/2020 2:52 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

Is this a platform type of game or point-and-click adventure like Monkey Island?

I'm guessing it's not Bone: Out from Boneville since this one is using 3D graphics.