Forums > Find a game > strategy game similar to rome total war

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a a on 5/2/2021 5:19 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

first of all, here's a list of the games that AREN'T this game: rome: total war, pax romana, against rome, civcity rome, nemesis of the roman empire or any of the haemimont games set in rome.

now, this game was very similar to roem total war. you had a large map of the mediterranean and europe and you had cities that you had to conquer. you also had to assign governors to each city, and generals to each army. the governors and generals had various stats like loyalty, administrative ability, command ability and so on. you also had the ability to fight tactical 3d battles like in rome total war, except the graphics were way more primitive and there were fewer units on screen at once.

the game came out somewhere between 2000-2005. it MIGHT have been as late as 2007 but i'm about 75% sure it was between 2000-2005.

i've looked EVERYWHERE onmobygames but can't find it. somone PLEASE help me identify this game!

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Plok (221183) on 5/2/2021 5:26 PM · Permalink · Report

Praetorians? Knights of Honor? Any of the Europa Universalis titles?

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a a on 5/3/2021 9:50 AM · Permalink · Report

sorry, but no. like i said, it had a large campaign map of europe just like rome total war, and when you fought a battle you could zoom in to a 3d tactical battle.