Forums > Bugs > MobyRanks - WIPped back screen weirdness

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Jeanne (75931) on 7/22/2012 4:38 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

When more than one Rank is sent back to the same user for the same game, things get weird when trying to make the corrections on the Contributor end.

For instance, 4 reviews had various questions and problems on one game. I want (and expect) to be able to fix each individually. Instead, all of them are on the same correction page together, listed one above the other. I cannot read all of the Approver's Comments for each individual problem since they're all bunched together, and I must guess as to what they wanted. Can't go back either .. if not corrected, they go back to the Approver Queue undone.

Can this be fixed?

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Corn Popper (69019) on 7/24/2012 5:33 PM · Permalink · Report

hmm, not sure.. can you take a screenshot of it