Forums > Bugs > Anyone else have this problem when entering credits?

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LepricahnsGold (142744) on 5/22/2015 3:43 PM · Permalink · Report

The last credits I entered (Spirit of Wandering: The Legend for iPad and iPhone), one name (Taras Tarasov) did not show when I entered it. He is already in MobyGames and I even copied and pasted his name to make sure I wasn't misspelling it. What I ended up doing was creating a new Taras Tarasov and, after the credits were approved, I merged the new Taras Tarasov into the old Taras Tarasov. Today, I am entering credits for Monkey King Escape and I am running into a similar problem. I need to enter a credit name for Li Bo. Now, there are six developers we have listed named Li Bo as well as Li Jiang Bo, Li Bou, Li Li Bo, Bo Li and Li Bo Wen. When I put in Li Bo as a credit, the only choice on the list is Li Bo Wen and no others. I don't understand what's causing this. I have tried entering two spaces in a name, to see if that will help. No go. When I put in two spaces, it still comes up with Li Bo Wen plus the Li Bo I created but none of the others ( Similar to Li Jian. We have a Li Jian (plus several other names with Li Jian in them) but the list shows Li Jian Jan, Li Jian Lin, Li Jian Nan, Li Jian Xin, Li Jian Ping, Li Jian Qiang, and Kenneth Jian Li Sam. Putting in two spaces give that same list but not Li Jian (,342498/). Oddly, it doesn't happen to every name. Some it finds with no problem. I guess this is unique to me.

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Foxhack (32098) on 5/22/2015 6:32 PM · Permalink · Report

If there was a way to enter a developer's ID directly this wouldn't be that much of a problem. Something like [Dev10665] or the like, which would make the site assign that specific dev to the listing. Something only advanced users would make use of.

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LepricahnsGold (142744) on 5/23/2015 4:02 AM · Permalink · Report

If that can be done, I don't know how.

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LepricahnsGold (142744) on 5/23/2015 4:07 AM · Permalink · Report

Mo9re info: I tried entering Taras Tarasov to the credits. As there is only one Taras Tarasov in our database, it should go right in. It doesn't. I get the message *The name entered does not match anyone in our database." with the drop-down menu choices of Change Spelling; Remove Name; Add person "Taras Tarasov" to Database; Add non-person "Taras Tarasov" to Database. I also tried in Ubuntu Linux 14.04 as I had been trying in Windows 7 Pro. Same results.

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MAT (241141) on 5/23/2015 2:51 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Please try entering his name one more time and tell me if it works now.

I dunno if it will work and it's a longshot, but just in case they were some weird characters saved under his name or different encoding or whatever, I re-entered his name and surname and just saved. As I said, it's a longshot, but give it a try just in case. Strange that search engine has no trouble finding him.

If it still doesn't work, try only entering his last name or his first name, not sure which is the thing that credits wizard tries to match the most. Maybe wizard gets confused because his name is substring of his last name, not sure.

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Freeman (65146) on 5/23/2015 4:20 PM · Permalink · Report

I tried 'Taras Tarasov' as well and had the same result as LepricahnsGold. Neither adding a space between the names or removing one of the names (or adding it as t tarasov, etc.) made any difference - it always resulted with no suggested names.

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LepricahnsGold (142744) on 5/23/2015 4:28 PM · Permalink · Report

You know, I'm glad to hear that, Freeman, as I was worried it was something I was doing wrong. And it isn't just Taras Tarasov. I use him as there is only one in the database. I am also having trouble with Li Bo (there are at least 6 in the database as JUST Li Bo but none are found except the newest I created) and Li Jian (there are several names with Li Jian in them but there is also one Li Jian with no further name).

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Patrick Bregger (303331) on 5/23/2015 4:39 PM · Permalink · Report

That is curious, so far this bug was restricted to people with four or less letters in either name.

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LepricahnsGold (142744) on 5/23/2015 5:34 PM · Permalink · Report

Not quite. Both of Taras Tarasov's names have more than four letters.

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Patrick Bregger (303331) on 5/23/2015 6:06 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Yes, that is why it is curious.

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Freeman (65146) on 5/23/2015 8:32 PM · Permalink · Report

In the approvers' forum, we were talking about this bug but thought it was only affecting shorter names (4 characters or less). This is what Patrick Bregger was talking about. So it seems it's affecting both short names (though not all) and longer names as well.

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LepricahnsGold (142744) on 5/24/2015 12:31 AM · Permalink · Report

Yes, not all. I was entering the credits for Monkey King Escape (hence the Chinese names) and I entered about five names with no trouble then ran into the "Li duo".

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LepricahnsGold (142744) on 5/24/2015 3:12 AM · Permalink · Report

In addition to Taras Tarasov, Li Bo, and Li Jian, here are all the other names that either showed no name or showed names other than the base name, in case there is a pattern or something about these names. All are in the database: Yuan Kai, Zhou Yao, He Han, Guo Qi, Li Run Lin, Li Wei, Tan Xu, Yan Xu, Liao Jin, Li Yu Ling, Luo Bai, Song Yan, Lin An Liu, Fu Qiang, He Qian, Li Song, Lu Tong, Wang Qi, Rick Li

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Foxhack (32098) on 5/24/2015 2:06 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start LepricahnsGold wrote--]If that can be done, I don't know how. [/Q --end LepricahnsGold wrote--]That was a thinly veiled hint towards the dev team. :p

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GTramp (81961) on 5/26/2015 3:22 AM · Permalink · Report

Is this how it all works now? I haven't been submitting credits for some time, and now I decided to contribute some... only to be treated to this bug where the systems doesn't find obvious matches.. Like the match for Yang Fei. So what are people doing with it now? Create new developers then merge them? That's twice the work!!

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Foxhack (32098) on 5/26/2015 2:36 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start GTramp wrote--]Is this how it all works now? I haven't been submitting credits for some time, and now I decided to contribute some... only to be treated to this bug where the systems doesn't find obvious matches.. Like the match for Yang Fei. So what are people doing with it now? Create new developers then merge them? That's twice the work!! [/Q --end GTramp wrote--]

Now? It was like that back when I was an approver!

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GTramp (81961) on 5/27/2015 12:08 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

I disagree. With all the credits I've contributed I never had this problem with finding matches for shorter names. So it must be a recent bug.

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Nélio (1976) on 5/28/2015 3:13 PM · Permalink · Report

Yes, it may be related to my attempt to fix the S bug. I will look into this soon as well.

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Nélio (1976) on 5/28/2015 3:39 PM · Permalink · Report

To be more clear:

The "s" bug was causing all search strings to have an additional character. Everyone started complaining recently about short names not matching, so I'm wondering if the algorithm only searches for 4+ letter words. Before my fix, 3-letter words would have an additional character for comparison, making them 4-letters long and not being ignored.

It's just a guess, but it would explain some of the issues.

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Kabushi (261495) on 5/28/2015 5:52 PM · Permalink · Report

Another credits lookup bug that has appeared recently, is that it doesn't seem to recognize akas. I enter Jeff Wand and expect it to find Jefferson Wand, but it doesn't despite that aka existing for it.

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Rik Hideto (473431) on 6/3/2015 12:36 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Yes, this bug kind of sucks. Checked.

Not that it affects me at all since I always use the search button while inserting every single name... And that's why there's always a bunch of pages to be merged/split. Recently I added the credits for a Game Gear title. Just 8 names or so, and I had to merge 5 dev...

Btw, how about creating a new "system" or something? New System: all the contributors have to do is just... upload the support image(s)... the system will automatically identify all the text/roles/names... and then the contributor just makes some adjustments, and avant...

I afraid sooner or later all of us will regret (deeply) for having invested hours/days/months/years/decades in the credits area.

I can imagine the kids adding credits in 2025... here or elsewhere... they will need less than 10 minutes to insert 500 names. And then they will think of us: "LOL, those poor souls.".

Sorry, I was suddenly feeling futuristic, my bad.

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Nélio (1976) on 6/4/2015 3:55 PM · Permalink · Report

I'll start looking into these credit issues this month. It's obvious to the admins that this is a major issue that has to be fixed asap. I just hadn't got the time until now.