Forums > Bugs > Can't add cover for The iDOLM@STER: Cinderella Girls

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Michael Cassidy (21287) on 11/19/2015 11:31 PM · Permalink · Report

I uploaded a cover for this game, but realized that since there was transparency in the image, black was added in its place. Since it's impossible at the moment to delete a cover during the submission process due to a bug, I went back to the main page, intending to click on the "Work in Progress" notice at the top of the page to abandon the submission and start over. it wasn't there.

Going back to the game, I clicked "add cover" and got this:

"An error accured while processing your request, an error report has been automatically generated and send to our support staff and will be looked into shortly"

(Also note that "occurred" is misspelled as "accured.")

Also: while my work in progress cover isn't shown on the main page, it IS shown in my approval status cue. However, I can't do anything about it from there.

I think I should also note that this isn't the first time this has happened to me.

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Tracy Poff (2095) on 11/20/2015 1:29 PM · Permalink · Report

I see what is generating that error, but I'm not sure why it has happened or what the best fix is. I'll look into this some more.

However, there's something else:

Since it's impossible at the moment to delete a cover during the submission process due to a bug

You're still not seeing delete buttons on your own uploaded covers? The fix for that should have gone out several days ago. Can you double-check this for me?

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Michael Cassidy (21287) on 11/21/2015 11:39 PM · Permalink · Report

Yeah, everything's fixed now. The cover delete thing was probably fixed right after I encountered this problem (I didn't actually post this topic until a while after the problem occurred).