Forums > Bugs > Dolby Sound Capabilities specs

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Infernos (44622) on 4/9/2021 1:07 PM · Permalink · Report

1) Neither the original PlayStation or Wii should have Dolby Digital spec. You need optical (TOSLINK) or coaxial or HDMI to carry Dolby Digital signal, neither console was equipped with those connections (afaik).

2) Xbox shouldn't have Dolby Surround spec when it has Nvidia's SoundStorm audio processor that can do real-time Dolby Digital encoding.

3) Also, someone correct me on this if I'm dead wrong but isn't Dolby Surround (at least in its video game implementation) the same as Dolby Surround Pro Logic? Here's the Wikipedia article on Dolby Surround/Pro Logic

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Foxhack (32098) on 4/9/2021 6:39 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Infernos wrote--]1) Neither the original PlayStation or Wii should have Dolby Digital spec. You need optical (TOSLINK) or coaxial or HDMI to carry Dolby Digital signal, neither console was equipped with those connections (afaik).

2) Xbox shouldn't have Dolby Surround spec when it has Nvidia's SoundStorm audio processor that can do real-time Dolby Digital encoding.

3) Also, someone correct me on this if I'm dead wrong but isn't Dolby Surround (at least in its video game implementation) the same as Dolby Surround Pro Logic? Here's the Wikipedia article on Dolby Surround/Pro Logic [/Q --end Infernos wrote--]

1: The sole PS1 game with this spec shows Dolby Surround, that needs to be corrected and so I'll do that in a bit.

Happy Feet Two, Pictionary and NBA Live 09 All-Play do say Dolby Digital on the back cover. but Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows pt 2 says Dolby Surround (so that has to be fixed too.) I'm not sure why they said this on the box. Maybe they meant Dolby Surround, but... who knows.

2: A bunch of Xbox games on the Dolby Surround spec show Dolby Digital on the back. So they have to be fixed...

3: No idea.