Forums > News > Leipzig Games Convention no more, now GC Online

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PolloDiablo (16847) on 1/30/2009 4:00 PM · Permalink · Report

Since 2002, the Games Convention in Leipzig has rapidly grown from a local German event to one of the largest gaming events in the world in 2008. The Games Convention of 2009, however, which was scheduled for 20 to 23 August, will not be held. In part due to the competition of the Gamescom event that is to be held at exactly the same dates in Cologne. Because the BIU, a large cooperation of German developers and publishers had announced they would be exhibiting in Cologne rather than Leipzig, there would be too few exhibitors and visitors in Leipzig.

At the same press conference, the Leipziger Messe announced a new fair: Games Convention Online. From 31 July to 2 August a trade show specialising in browser, client and mobile games will be held instead.

As with the Games Convention, there will be separate areas for the trade and professional public and for gamers. In addition there will be online events so that millions of gamers worldwide can take part.

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PolloDiablo (16847) on 1/30/2009 5:12 PM · Permalink · Report

Pity. Although Cologne is a lot closer (in fact, I used to drive to Cologne to catch a plane to Leipzig...) I liked going to Leipzig a lot. I've been there three times. There were always a lot of adventures and RPG's, also from small developers. Developers and publishers really took the time to talk to individuals. Also had a lot of stuff signed by (amongst others) Jane Jensen, Steve Ince, Noah Falstein & Hal Barwood. I fear the Cologne fair will not have room for that sort of thing as it comes across as aimed much more towards the masses. Plus I don't like throngs of people. But we'll see.

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purchaser (120) on 1/31/2009 5:50 PM · Permalink · Report

As Wolfgang Marzin, CEO of the Leipzig Fair, at the press conference on Wednesday mentioned, the Games Convention just pauses in 2009. This is a little bit funny, kind of saxon humour and means they're ready to continue after the Colognes wrecked the Games Com... But on the other hand, most of the games are censored in Germany, Epic didn't show the blockbuster Gears of War 2 at the last Games Convention for the reason it'll never be released in Germany. The question is how long will the publishers follow the German Consorship, how long will they show their games in special German censored editions? Think it's time to make the change and search for other places outside Gemany - it's for the games! But I'm really interested in the Games Convention Online, I'll be there.