Forums > News > Where are the tournaments?

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Diego Rosa (4) on 2/27/2007 1:37 PM · Permalink · Report

Gaming Junky reports on the upcoming major pro gaming events in 2007, both confirmed and unconfirmed. With the CPL only announcing one stop thus far and none by the WSVG, we were left to speculate on what events they might ultimately have planned. Despite their lack of information, '07 is shaping up to be a promising year for pro gaming and everyone involved. MLG kicks off it's pro circuit in Charlotte in April.

Would you attend one of these events? How about trying to qualify to compete?

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Maw (832) on 2/28/2007 1:14 AM · Permalink · Report

[quote]How about trying to qualify to compete?[/quote]

Hey sure, why not. All I need is expensive, custom-made gaming hardware, a T1 internet connection so I have zero lag, and eight spare hours a day to practice.

Still, it looks interesting.

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D Michael (222) on 2/28/2007 3:55 PM · Permalink · Report

Nah man, I've competed in professional tournaments with a p5-133 and an ISDN connection. But yes, hardware does make a big difference. With some of those games though, such as Warcraft 3, the game pretty much runs according to the lowest machine involved. With FPS games though it's a different story.