Forums > MobyGames > Need Assistance: Japanese Translations (Nintendo 64)

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WONDERなパン (17284) on 6/3/2020 11:22 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm not entirely sure where this topic best fits, so hopefully, this is an appropriate location.

I'm trying to go through and translate most screens for an old, unrecorded Japanese Mahjong game for the Nintendo 64 (Mahjong Master). My goal is to extract as much as reasonably possible from the game to be recorded here at MobyGames.

I've not found any particularly good videos to reference for information, I don't speak Japanese, and the copy of the game I am using has many visual artifacts and is missing a lot of text on a few screens. So not off to a great start, but between OCR, many online translators, Google handwriting translation, and some common linguistic sense - I'm beginning to get some decent context and framing for the game. Hopefully soon enough to re-submit the game for approval (previous time was far too barebones in content/info).

What I need most is assistance with Japanese translations. I figure this has to be in fairly high demand, so I understand if I come up empty handed. I am making progress even if slowly.

For tracking progress, translations, and screenshots - I have created a public, living spreadsheet in Microsoft OneDrive. I've got version history/control on as well as take regular backups. That being said, PLEASE do not sabotage or grief this document. I am trying to get community involvement for the benefit of the community & public and would hate to have time wasted due to intentional destruction.!Aq73GTmcq1t5jWv0cB2_8SrtcLIP?e=wJcOu7

Hopefully this is a successful way to collaborate.

Please feel free to comment or collaborate! I'm also on the MobyGame's discord quite regularly as WONDERなパン

Thanks =)