Forums > MobyGames > 1000 TRS-80 games on Mobygames

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hoeksmas (152678) on 8/5/2021 4:54 PM · Permalink · Report

Probably of interest to nobody other than me and Vedder, but there are now 1000 TRS-80 games on Mobygames.

Sold by Radio Shack originally in 1977, it was one of the most popular home computing systems until around 1981-1982, when it's lack of graphics really made it inferior to the Apple II and Commodore VIC-20/64.

I never really planned on adding TRS-80 games, they just seemd too primitive, but after discovering Scott Adams and Adventure International initially largely published for the TRS-80, and my desire to detail that company, I got kind of hooked.

The most difficulty part of adding these games, is it's VERY difficult to confirm date and publisher on many of these. Some highlights include:

Adventure International:

CLOAD magazine:

Softside Magazine (Work in Progress):

Warriors of Ras:

Multiple early games by Epyx:

And numerous early adventure games from a variety of publishers.

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Sciere (930969) on 8/5/2021 5:58 PM · Permalink · Report

Congratulations, so much hard work to document all of these properly, including full descriptions, screenshots and credits. An amazing effort!

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Cavalary (11448) on 8/6/2021 12:41 AM · Permalink · Report

Congratulations! I find it quite amazing that so many games even existed for a platform at the time, but while my perspective regarding that may be skewed by it being well before my time, discontinued a few years before I was even born, it's definitely great that people exist who put in all the effort to make sure such games and platforms don't get forgotten in time, and give them proper entries as well.

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vedder (71172) on 8/6/2021 7:59 AM · Permalink · Report

Good stuff!

I have a ton of TRS-80 games still on my todo list of 1979 games, but it's good to frequently be able to cross something off because you already covered it :)

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Plok (220366) on 8/6/2021 8:24 AM · Permalink · Report

Well done, always nice to see forgotten platforms mapped!

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Patrick Bregger (303298) on 9/15/2021 9:21 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm too late, but that's fantastic!