Forums > Game Talk > On-Line Games

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pedantic (134) on 3/25/2006 9:53 PM · Permalink · Report

Do you play on-line games? In eastern countries (especially China and Korea), on-line RPGs are probably the most profitable video game franchises available. However, recent Chinese on-line games are starting to boarder political themes.

For example, a game called Kang Zhan, which is about fighting against the Japanese during WWII, was released around the time when there was a massive Chinese parade against the Japanese for worshiping the dead soldiers who fought in the WWII and slaughtered many Chinese people. In this game, you can only be a Chinese Communist soldier to fight against the Japanese invaders.

Another such game is Lei Feng, and in this game you have to do various missions to keep the morality of the people up or something. You have to help the elderly walk across the street, charge fees for people who spit on the ground, etc. Lei Feng is a very famous Chinese Communist who helped a lot of people around him, and in schools, the students always learn that they need to "learn to be Lei Feng." He is praised by Mao Zedong.

Still, the business is prospering in China. The most popular genre of On-Line games is Wuxia RPG (go figure). One of the most popular Wuxia RPGs is called Jin Yong On-Line. It's based on the legendary 14 novels written by Jin Yong, the God of Wuxia fiction. There are 3 versions of Jin Yong On-Line, v1.0 has a Strategy RPG battle system, v1.5 has an Action RPG battle system, and v2.0 is in full 3D.

Recently, v1.0 of Jin Yong On-Line has been announced to be completely free, meaning that you don't need any money to purchase the game and point cards for fees. The official website of Jin Yong On-Line Free v1.0 offers the game to download. If you are interested (and can read Chinese, obviously), you might want to try it. Of course, you still have to register, but that doesn't require any money also.

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Ajan (262) on 3/25/2006 10:53 PM · Permalink · Report

To me the best online rpgs (when we talk about MMORPG) are Ultima Online for simple fact that you can do almost everything there. From being warrior, through blacksmith to herbalist. It's great to see that you are not limited only to several battle classes. The game is old though and graphics are rather poor.

Another one imho is WoW. Every Blizzard's game is great and WoW is nice as well. It's nice to see it placed in the same world as Warcraft 1-3 so people who liked it will really appreciate it.

But of course rpgs are only few games. We can't forget about fps - CS, Quake, Enemy Territory, Battlefield etc, strategies SC, W3 and even some browser based games like Ogame, Red Dragon or something ;)

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Katakis | カタキス (43087) on 3/26/2006 1:02 AM · Permalink · Report

I don't play on-line games, but I wish I did. Hopefully, all this will change when I go up against players in Scrabble.

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Unicorn Lynx (181769) on 3/26/2006 5:55 AM · Permalink · Report

I've heard about some of the games you mentioned, but I never play online games. Don't like the whole concept of it. Here in Shanghai people are crazy about online games, all the internet bars are full of people who play stuff.

It would be cool if you could add some of these Chinese online RPGs to the database! Please do us a favor :-))

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Maw (832) on 3/26/2006 10:02 AM · Permalink · Report

I've never played an MMO, but I've got a friend who plays WoW. He tells me it's almost worth subscribing just to read the stuff people post on General Chat. ;)

I play Age of Empires II, Cossacks, and occasionally Warcraft II: Edition over the internet. It's a pretty good way to make friends should you lack a social life and have too much free time. Some gaming communities are nice, others are bad (War2BNE is one of the worst).

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80 (6478) on 3/30/2006 1:26 PM · Permalink · Report

I'm only play Anarchy Online ... !

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D Michael (222) on 3/30/2006 3:18 PM · Permalink · Report

I played EQlive for years, played EQ2, EVE, WoW, and UO (I thought UO was terrible even when it first came out). While none of these had political themes, it seems they they've all had great success without doing so. I'm not sure why the MMO where you're from are going political, because here there is probably very little market for an MMO based in that.

I have to say that WoW was the very best MMO I've ever played. The biggest problem with it is that once you were at lvl 60 and had your tradeskills maxed, there was really nothing else to do except Battlegrounds (which progress was so horribly slow I gave up on it) or grind Molten Core over and over trying to fill out your epic gear. So it was either pvp or grind in the same zone all of the time. Ultimately, this stagnation is what led me to eventually sell the account.

I'll tell you something SICK though, I was in the beta test for EQlive back in 1998-1999 and then started anew when the commercial release went live. Some of the people I played with at launch are still to this day playing that game, and I mean playing it on a dialy basis.

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Zovni (10504) on 3/31/2006 3:30 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start D Michael wrote--] I'll tell you something SICK though, I was in the beta test for EQlive back in 1998-1999 and then started anew when the commercial release went live. Some of the people I played with at launch are still to this day playing that game, and I mean playing it on a dialy basis. [/Q --end D Michael wrote--]

Uh... that is sick XD

BTW here is a video of a kid going crazy because some guys hacked his Lineage 2 account. This kind of stuff happens only in MMORPGs

And yeah he speaks in german or something and the subs are in spanish, but it's still a riot!

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Mobygamesisreanimated (11069) on 3/31/2006 1:18 PM · Permalink · Report

First the Nazis, then Carstuck Girls and now this... I'm going to emigrate :\

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80 (6478) on 4/8/2006 3:19 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Xenu wrote--]First the Nazis, then Carstuck Girls and now this... I'm going to emigrate :\ [/Q --end Xenu wrote--]

Oh what a shame ... I really hope that he's from Austria ! g ;-)

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Terok Nor (42718) on 3/31/2006 1:22 PM · Permalink · Report

Oh yeah, that one, that's pretty old. He's speaking German, and he's not going mad over Lineage II, but Unreal Tournament. I also think it's fake. When he says that he killed somebody etc. you can see he's not even moving the mouse and/or using the proper keys on the keyboard.

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pedantic (134) on 3/31/2006 10:59 PM · Permalink · Report

I don't play online games also. It's just that one of China's most popular MMORPG is now free that inticed me to try it. However, I still don't like the format. If I could find more information on the Chinese RPGs (and had more time), I would definitely try to add them to the database.

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Indra was here (20752) on 4/1/2006 7:31 PM · Permalink · Report

Here's a warning for you hardcore online gamers...

Read something in a local Indonesian paper, many month ago. A Korean national in his twenties, quit his job and play an online game for 3 days non-stop. He only left to go to the toilet and answer the door for food delivery (nothing regarding sleeping habits).

Apparently 3 days later, he his computer. If I didn't read the paper miscorrectly, it said that the cause of death was something related to lack of body movement...(if that were possible?)

Nice way to die though...from a gamers point of view.

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D Michael (222) on 4/8/2006 3:39 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

highly unlikely, if you were to die from lack of body movement then Christopher Reeves and many other quads, or people with end stage Parkinson's that cannot move at all, or people with severe brain damage that are vegetables, would not live for years and years. This is just more scare tactic produced by the anti-mmo folks.

As far as the 'hacking' of the Lineage II account... I have found in any situation where I seriously inquired that there is no real hacking of accounts, rather the user shares account information and then someone that has permission to access the account steals everything.

I've seen that happen over and over (I've played MMORPG's for years) and everytime that it's really 'theft' they call it 'hacked'. Maybe that alleviates some of the responsibility from the victim, who knows.

As far as that video goes, whether it's fake or real either way the kid is crazy.

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Kartanym (12418) on 4/9/2006 3:19 AM · Permalink · Report

I played Guild Wars for a while. After so many missions though, it became the same over and over again. Though its advantage of being free to play online means I can go back any time, I don't go near any of the others since paying a monthly account where I don't really play much online doesn't make sense to me.

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Todd Bello (28) on 4/15/2006 4:59 AM · Permalink · Report

if i had a powerful enough computer, i would play MMORPG's, but since i don't, i just use my friends xbox live account to play Unreal championship 2, Star wars republic comando, and (like all xbox live players) halo 2