Forums > Game Talk > Need help identifying a Dos-era CD-ROM game

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Franklin Dee on 10/10/2006 8:53 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

EDIT: I found the game by chance - saw a screenshot I recognised on home of the underdogs. It's Alien Odyssey, by phillips interactive, 1995 release. Heh, now it'll stop bugging me, so i can go find and play it instead. :D thanks, everyone.

Hi all

I need some help identifying a DOS-era game on CD. I don't know much, as I only ever had a demo from a coverdisc. many, many years ago :).

The intro shows you (a human male), and your friend, a tiger striped orange humanoid alien infiltrating a base on a jungle world, gaurded by big, cyborg looking aliens. your friend kills one with a large throwing star, then you sneak inside and he gets caught from behind by another one, who pops out from a door in the tunnel, grabs him and closes it again just in time for you to whirl round and bang on the door.

The game then starts - 3-rd person fixed camera, slowly jog, carefuly jump, and shoot things. think Bioforge, without the hand to hand.

You had to jump across a big fan in the floor to get to a generator, if you got it wrong, you would see a small CGI cutscene of you being chopped up by the fan until your head goes bouncing off. (with purple blood, too. odd, that.) There was a little lizard on the other side of the fan, that would sometimes spit at you.

Apparently, between levels you also would ride on a hoverbike, a'la starwars ROTJ, to get to the next part. It's all I can remember - it's not a lot to go on, I know, but it's all I can remember.

Many thanks!

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Roedie (5239) on 10/10/2006 9:41 AM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Franklin Dee wrote--]

The intro shows (human) you, and your friend, a tiger striped orange humanoid alien infiltrating a base on a jungle world, gaurded by big, cyborg looking aliens. your friend kills one with a large throwing star, then you sneak inside and he gets caught from behind by another, who pops out from a door in the tunnel, which closes again just in time to stop you rescuing him. [/Q --end Franklin Dee wrote--]

Don't remember the jungle, but otherwise this sounds a bit like the intro movie of The Lawnmower Man.

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Franklin Dee on 10/10/2006 12:26 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

heh - that movie was all harmless fun, right up untill he set a lawnmower going in someone's mind... Gamewise, that's not the one, sadly. Thankyou, though.