Forums > Game Forums > Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon > Trivia section contains false information

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SomeRandomHEFan (164) on 4/29/2020 1:56 PM · Permalink · Report

The trivia section claims that unlike Parade and Zoo, small aspects of this game change on each playthrough. This is incorrect.

All three games generally stay largely the same, but Parade randomly places one of its items (the bone) in one of three locations, rendering the other two optional along with the puzzles that need to be solved to access them. This certainly isn't comparable to the far more drastic randomization of later games, but it's more significant than in Moon or Zoo, where the only things that can change are the correct answers to a few puzzles.

MobyGames doesn't seem to allow deleting a trivia section, so there's nothing I can do about this. Which is why I'm writing this message instead. Sorry if that's not the right way to request something like this.

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Sciere (930964) on 4/29/2020 2:02 PM · Permalink · Report

You can click "edit trivia" below the item to revise. That won't delete it, but that way you can add the clarification you've described.

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SomeRandomHEFan (164) on 4/29/2020 2:21 PM · Permalink · Report

So I'm supposed to add new trivia whose sole purpose is to explain why the old trivia is wrong and should be ignored? Seems like a weird way to handle this, but if that's the way things are done here, I can do it.

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Sciere (930964) on 4/29/2020 2:42 PM · Permalink · Report

You could also add your clarification about the location of the bone as a part of the main description, revising it, and then the trivia item could be removed.

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Havoc Crow (29905) on 4/29/2020 7:50 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start SomeRandomHEFan wrote--]So I'm supposed to add new trivia whose sole purpose is to explain why the old trivia is wrong and should be ignored? Seems like a weird way to handle this, but if that's the way things are done here, I can do it. [/Q --end SomeRandomHEFan wrote--] No, not that.

We mean that you can edit the existing trivia item to remove the initial inaccurate part ("Unlike "Joins the Parade" and "Saves the Zoo", "...), and perhaps also add more detail about what exactly changes between playthroughs.

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SomeRandomHEFan (164) on 4/30/2020 8:45 AM · Permalink · Report

The problem here is that the only fact listed in the trivia section is false. MobyGames doesn't allow submitting a blank trivia section, so I can't simply remove it.

I'll see if I can figure out how to edit my submission. Couldn't find an option to do anything with it from its page, but it has to exist somewhere.

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Sciere (930964) on 4/30/2020 9:51 AM · edited · Permalink · Report

If there is conflicting information out there, it is better to explain that and improve that information rather than remove everything altogether, which can lead to people adding that information again. Also, if it turns out it isn't true or there are multiple releases / versions of the game out there, we can easily revert it. Not saying you are wrong, just making sure nothing gets permanently deleted.

It is possible to pull back submissions to revise them by going to your profile page and selecting "Show approval status of items contributed" to pull back an item.

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Alaka (106652) on 4/30/2020 8:03 PM · Permalink · Report

The trivia itself was fine, just got rid of the unnecessary comparison part.

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SomeRandomHEFan (164) on 4/30/2020 9:35 PM · Permalink · Report

I can't say I agree with this. While it's true that the now removed comparison was the main issue with the trivia, it's still misleading in its current state. I think I need to elaborate a little on this in order to explain why.

There are basically two kinds of randomization you can find in the Junior Adventures. Puzzles affected by the first kind don't really change on different playthroughs. They just don't keep the same answer. The actual procedure of solving them stays the same: You find the answer, memorize it, then apply it.

The second kind goes further and replaces entire puzzles, or even whole puzzle chains. In some cases, it goes so far that a second playthrough can feel almost like a different game.

The latter form of randomization would later become a common element of the Junior Adventures, and it gives them notable replay value. The former on the other hand is hardly worth mentioning, as it only serves to prevent you from skipping puzzles on subsequent playthroughs.

Since the latter is something the Junior Adventures are known for, people who read this trivia would naturally assume they can expect some of it in this game. However, that is not the case at all. In actuality, this is one of the least randomized Junior Adventures out there. As far as I can remember, all that changes are the exact answers to two of its puzzles. The puzzles themselves always stay the same.

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Alaka (106652) on 4/30/2020 9:53 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

Them all that needs to be added is what changes in Moon. No need to compare it with other games.

Trivia updated.

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SomeRandomHEFan (164) on 5/11/2020 7:33 AM · Permalink · Report

I do realize that this is starting to sound like nitpicking, but the new version still isn't quite correct. It claims that the changing answers to some of the puzzles are just an example of the game's randomization. In actuality, they're the only things that can change. Unlike most Junior Adventures, everything else is always the same. It would be okay if the "ex." were simply removed.

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Sciere (930964) on 5/11/2020 8:55 AM · Permalink · Report

It's updated now.

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Cayde (2) on 5/12/2020 2:45 PM · Permalink · Report

[Q --start Sciere wrote--]It's updated now. [/Q --end Sciere wrote--] what about quote line from the game; it's trivia too right?