Forums > Game Forums > Brat > What does the baby say in the intro movie?

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SnubPollard (62) on 12/30/2012 1:26 AM · Permalink · Report

I remember this game on the Atari ST. Awesome, but hard as hell. However, I'd like to know what the baby says in the intro movie.

The intro

At 0:33, what does he say? I can't make it out. Something ending with "dudes" perhaps. This video is from the Amiga version, which I chose, because it has better sound quality.

p.s. I'm surprised that the Atari ST version has far superior music (at least based on this one video of the Amiga version).

Atari ST intro

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Alaka (106760) on 12/30/2012 1:40 AM · Permalink · Report

"Time to party dudes". Well I hope it was party and not potty.

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SnubPollard (62) on 12/30/2012 1:49 AM · Permalink · Report

Thanks! I believe you're right. I just heard something like "Thank buddy dudes", which wouldn't really make much sense...