Forums > Game Forums > The Ormus Saga III: The Final Chapter > The King of Beryland has once again gone missing?

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Edwin Drost (9719) on 10/22/2022 4:54 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

@Hoekmas Could you explain of what you meant with "The King of Beryland has once again gone missing"?

Would it be possible to tell me which source you used? That is because the king is not missing, but dead at the same time Azerus was summoned. And now the player has to have enough points to become the new king by fullfilling tasks, searching treasure, re-capturing cities/towns/etc and more.

Edit: IF someone else sees this thread, please let me know where that source came from.

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Edwin Drost (9719) on 11/3/2022 6:41 PM · Permalink · Report

bump di bump Not sure how the rules are for bumping, but I just want to know the reasoning behind that conclusion. Not an attack, but pure interest and curiousity.