Forums > Game Forums > American Truck > Which version is that description for?

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Infernos (44622) on 2/8/2015 2:38 PM · Permalink · Report

Either the version of the game the description here was originally written for is completely different from the one I played (Sharp X1) or the description here makes up stuff and perhaps is meant for a totally different game (Road Fighter?).

In the X1 version I played you can't run out of gasoline or time. And having to avoid crashes with other cars is the furthest thing from this game - in American Truck you knock out traffic cars left and right (that's how you score points). Here's gameplay videos from the MSX and X1 versions.

The FM7 site mentions that the game even has a story (be it a pretty ridiculous one lol): "player becomes a CIA spy, to transport to the destination in time a large trailer loaded with NASA secrets".

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Patrick Bregger (303550) on 2/8/2015 2:43 PM · edited · Permalink · Report

The original entry (submitted 2005) was for MSX only and the other versions were added much later to this entry. This and the fact that the original contributor also submitted screenshots for MSX make it safe to assume that the description is for the MSX version.

Edit: And the contributor also originally submitted Road Fighter, so I'd guess he would have noticed differences.