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Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

Moby ID: 11590

GameCube version

A very entertaining and humorous 3rd-person shooter.

The Good
-->Nice graphics: detailed models, textures, and well designed environments really draw you in.

-->Possesses a definite sense of humor, with the humorous chatter of your robot teammates, the high pitched squeal of panicked enemy robots, and of course the foul mouthed engineer.

-->Tons of levels, you really get your moneys worth, especially since the 'cube version is now available for a meager $20

The Bad
-->Noticeable slowdown in large battles/areas with complex architecture.

-->Can get repetitive at times.

-->Only a few varieties of robots.

-->Controls takes some getting used to/not quite as responsive as I would have liked

The Bottom Line
Since the advent of the Sony Playstation in the mid-1990s, along with the beginning of the Tomb Raider franchise, the number of third-person adventures, shooters, and other genres exploiting the perspective has been mind boggling. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these titles have been highly derivative, bringing little innovation to the mix. For this reason, encountering a title that tries something innovative, effectively combines different elements in this age of sub-par movie license games, is a refreshing change of pace. "Metal Arms: Glitch in the System" is one of these games...

STORY: The story is fairly generic, with the player controlling a robot, "Glitch", unearthed from some ruins on his planet, and possessing circuitry far more advanced than any of the other current robot denizens of the planet. Although Glitch remembers little, he does know that he is on his home planet, and that the evil Mil robot army, lead by General Corrosive has taken over, and forced the robots into poverty. Outraged, Glitch joins the robot rebellion to push back the Mil army, and recapture the planet for his robot brothers.


[controls] Like several other Gamecube titles, this game uses the analog stick to move and the C-Stick to aim, and the left a right triggers for secondary and primary weaponry, respectively. The difference lies in the weapon switching scheme: a single click of the X button will reload your primary weapon, while holding the button down will call the weapon selection screen. Holding down the B button will switch Glitch's secondary weapon. The player can streamline the process by holding down the digital pad to assign a certain primary/secondary weapon setup to one of the directionals. the A button is used to jump, with a double tap producing a higher somersaulting jump.

[weapons] The weapons run the gamut from the simple mining laser you begin the game with, to chainguns, the robot-dismembering Ripper, and explosive weaponry such as the rocket launcher. Most weapons can be upgraded to a higher level by purchasing upgrade kits from the robotic brothers who appear at different places throughout the game. Switching weapons profiles on the fly is essential, as certain robots are only susceptible to certain weapons.

[enemies] The various robots appearing in the game are well modelled and animated, and run the gamut from simple-minded chaingun toting bots who are easily surprised, to warrior robots who will pursue you at all costs. The location specific damage is excellent, enabling you to blow off a robot's weapon arm, rendering them ineffective fools running around in a panicked state. Bots often appear in large groups with a single commander bot directing (and insulting) the others. Occasionally, they will be joined by a bot controlling one of various vehicles, or flying support drones. The humorous personalities of the robots keeps the mood light, even in large battles.

[levels] The level design is excellent, with complex architecture, and many good places for cover. Some levels take only a few minutes to pass, while others will require an investment of an half hour or more. The greatest challenge initially is coming to terms with the control scheme, once you get used to it, the game becomes easier. This game is by no means a breeze, and certain scenarios will take several attempts to successfully complete, but the game is so enjoyable, you will find yourself coming back to the game time and time again. Not all levels are foot missions, some will find you racing 6 wheeled behemoths, or commanding tanks, it's this successful blend of different gameplay that makes this title so appealing.

[replay value] Other than the collection of secret chips to unlock multiplayer levels, there is little to unlock, but the game is so fun, you will want to play through it again.


[graphics] Great graphics, above par for the Gamecube system, though the don't quite meet the standard set by titles such as Metroid Prime. The models are intricate, and the texture quality is excellent. The weapons effects are nice as well. The only thing I can complain about in this area, is that the framerate takes a noticeable hit when you are battling several robots, or enter an area with a lot of architecture, though you do adjust to it.

[audio] good sound effects and music, good voice acting. average to above average


I heartily recommend this to anybody who enjoys 3rd-person shooters, and are sick of the lack of innovation in the genre, this title is a nice surprise. With great graphics, a sense of humor, and gobs of levels, this title is an excellent value at $20. A worthy title to add to your Gamecube library.

by Ryu (50) on May 5, 2004

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