Masters of Puzzle: Gi'me That Present Already

Moby ID: 118508

The illustration Gi'me That Present Already is a brand new creation by the illustrator Stanislav Karmashikov. This puzzle box is part of our special Christmas Edition series and will be released during our Christmas 2018 event. We hope you will appreciate the fun and very unique art, the great illustration, and have a great time building this puzzle in all the available variations.## Special Achievement

Apart from the usual completion achievements, this puzzle box comes with a very special and limited achievement! Make sure to complete this puzzle in any tileset configuration before 4th of January 2019 in order to get it and see what it is.## Content Details

Contains one new puzzle box for Masters of Puzzle playable in variations of 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, and 2000 puzzle tiles. The UHD image is an enhanced from the original digital illustration and contains a lot of fun and interesting details. It is very suitable for beginners and will put you right into the Christmas state of mind.


Steam Store Description

Contributed by jaXen.

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