Great Hero's Beard

Moby ID: 119137

Be aware, this game does not support Steam Cloud yet.

Great Hero's Beard has a very satisfying progression system. Almost everything you do in game makes your character-Turgut evolve & progress further in the world.

  • Very fast and fun automated combat where everything depends on your items, stats and skill chances!
  • Build your character with stat points, randomized items & through the skill tree choices.
  • After you're done with the junk items send them to the fusion system, which in return will spit out items, stat points & skill points to further help you in your journey.
  • And don't let your eyes off the main goal- to rescue all kidnapped princesses from each of the world & bring them back to you camp.
  • When you finally feel like you're burned out, you can go ahead and retire. This will reset you back to level1 but in return give you permanent XP boost, stat & skill points.


Steam Store Description

Contributed by Rik Hideto.

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