The Forgotten Realms Archives

aka: The Forgotten Realms Archive (Silver Edition)
Moby ID: 1362

Introducing The FORGOTTEN REALMS Archives - the ultimate ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS PC game collection. Twelve of the greatest role playing fantasy adventures ever created are gathered together in one incredible boxed set. Each exciting adventure takes you deep into the magical and mystical world of the FORGOTTEN REALMS, the most popular of the AD&D worlds. Whether you are a die-hard AD&D enthusiast, or a newcomer looking to begin your first adventure, this compilation set is sure to become a collector's item and provide months of entertainment value.


Prepare yourself for AD&D games set in the magical world known as the FORGOTTEN REALMS. The FORGOTTEN REALMS Epic includes: POOL OF RADIANCE, CURSE OF THE AZURE BONDS, SECRET OF THE SILVER BLADES and POOLS OF DARKNESS. Set in the northern shore of Moonsea in the FORGOTTEN REALMS, you are drawn into the adventure from the first moment in POOL OF RADIANCE. Each character comes with a portrait display and cities, dungeons and encounters are shown in realistic 3-D perspective.


Every visit to HILLSFAR is a different, exhilarating experience. Explore the city, meet its colorful denizens on the streets or in pubs and discover a quest. Your quest will keep you constantly on the move. Fight in the arena against raging minotaurs, ill-tempered orcs or insulted swordsmen. Enter different buildings and utilize your maze-running and lock-picking skills. Archery and equestrian events may also be part of your overall quest. Think and move fast - these mini-games happen in real-time. For adventure, there is no place like HILLSFAR.


Begin the quest that heralds the first graphically based AD&D computer fantasy role-playing saga - the Legend Series! In EYE OF THE BEHOLDER, you control four PCs and two NPCs of six character races and six character classes. You and your party may aspire to become High Priests, Lords, Paladins, Ranger Lords, Wizards and Master Thieves! Experience AD&D computer fantasy role playing like never before as you and your party of adventurers explore the dark, slimy underside of Waterdeep!


Bigger...Better...Meaner than ever! The exciting sequel to EYE OF THE BEHOLDER has stunning pictures, realistic animations and 3-D graphics you'll love. A bigger adventure includes a forest, temple, catacomb and three huge towers. The story with enhanced graphics and improved "point-and-click" interface make playing even easier. Smarter, meaner monsters, more people, clues and mysteries make this adventure one of the best role-playing experience ever!


The grand finale of the meanest 3-D graphic adventure series ever! Prepare to be transported to the ruined city of Myth Drannor in the FORGOTTEN REALMS world, where your journey through the forest, mausoleum, temple and guilds, each filled with its own intricate puzzles and traps. The streamlined interface plays an important role in your survival - allowing smoother moves in combat thanks to the new "All Attack" button.


Explore countless new dungeons in a game that never has to be the same twice. Send your character on quest after quest, down through the many pits, traps, and puzzles of DUNGEON HACK. This game delivers many combinations of play, a variety of magical and non-magical items to be found in each game, and a bestiary stocked with over fifty formidable foes!


The adventure you've been waiting for is at hand in the GATEWAY TO THE SAVAGE FRONTIER and TREASURES OF THE SAVAGE FRONTIER. Now you get the freedom to make the story happen the way you want. Plus, an all-new wilderness style adds new exploration and excitement to outdoor adventure. The award-winning game system used throughout the gold series continues to evolve - new features abound! Movement and combat are now subject to the weather and players can interact with NPCs - they can even have romances.


Welcome to the subterranean realm known as Underdark and the fabled, malevolent city of MENZOBERRANZAN. Prepare for a FORGOTTEN REALMS game world experience like never before! New monsters abound. New tactics and abilities make combat much more intense. Enjoy spectacular sights and sounds. High-res VGA delivers the graphic beauty of SVGA without an SVGA card. And state-of-the-art digitized voices and sounds enrich the sensory experience!


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