Ministry of Broadcast

Moby ID: 141476

A country divided by The Wall. To cross it and reach your family, you must compete on - and win - a reality TV show broadcast by the Regime.

Ministry of Broadcast is a narrative-driven single player cinematic platformer mixing Orwell’s 1984 with modern reality TV. Rife with dark humor, sarcastic quips, and a general absurdity of the system.

Seemingly built overnight, The Wall has divided both a country in two and a man from his family. To see them again, our ginger-haired protagonist has decided to become a contestant on “The Wall Show”, a Regime-organized TV show allowing competitors the opportunity to escape to freedom on the other side. However, as he progresses through the camp, our contestant soon realizes exactly how the Regime and the show operate. The promise of freedom is not exactly what it seems.

Inspired by games such as Prince of Persia (1989) and Oddworld: Abe’s Exoddus, Ministry of Broadcast revives the spirit of classic cinematic platformers where players need nimble run-and-jump reflexes as well as a healthy aversion to falling from precarious heights. To reach freedom and family, you must lead the protagonist through each of the Arenas while under the ever-watchful mechanical eye of the Regime. The variety of hazardous, dilapidated environments hold an array of obstacles for you to manage—leg-shattering drops (scared of heights?), flaming barrels of garbage (extra-smelly, extra-flamey), inconveniently-placed spike pits (of course), hanging steel beams (so much rust)—but none of this is to speak of the fates of those you meet along the way.


  • Cinematic platformer: Run, jump, crash, and climb your way through each Arena as the narrative unfolds around you. Much of the story is unveiled via smoothly integrated animation sequences, within the environment, or from NPCs muttering bits of dialogue as you dive and dodge around them.
  • Environmental HUD: Rather than having a screen cluttered with overlaid indicators, HP bars, and minimaps, any information the player will need is incorporated into the environment. Hints and clues are meshed into the game’s art, subtle and specific, players will need a keen eye if they want to survive each Arena without breaking their legs.
  • Puzzle-solving: Use your wits, and at times a dash of ruthlessness, to advance through the Arenas. You’ll have to interact with the environment itself to solve most of the puzzles: use the protagonist’s momentum to move platforms, flip the occasional lever, and sometimes you might have to sacrifice an NPC or two to cross a particularly spiky pit.
  • Story and Personality: Featuring lots of impish humor, Grade A sarcasm, and comic mischief, all balanced perfectly with the dark, heavy themes presented in this dystopian world.


Steam Store Description

Ministry of Broadcast is a narrative-driven single player cinematic platformer mixing Orwell’s 1984 with modern reality TV. Rife with dark humor, sarcastic quips, and the absurdity of the system.

Seemingly built overnight, The Wall has divided both a country in two and a man from his family. To see them again, our ginger-haired protagonist has decided to become a contestant on “The Wall Show”, a Regime-organized TV show allowing competitors the opportunity to escape to freedom on the other side. However, as he progresses through the camp, our contestant soon realizes exactly how the Regime and the show operate. The promise of freedom is not exactly what it seems.

FEATURES * Cinematic platformer: Run, jump, crash, and climb your way through each Arena as the narrative unfolds around you. Much of the story is unveiled via smoothly integrated animation sequences, within the environment, or from NPCs muttering bits of dialogue as you dive and dodge around them. * Environmental HUD: Rather than having a screen cluttered with overlaid indicators, HP bars, and minimaps, any information the player will need is incorporated into the environment. Hints and clues are meshed into the game’s art, subtle and specific, players will need a keen eye if they want to survive each Arena without breaking their legs. * Puzzle-solving: Use your wits, and at times a dash of ruthlessness, to advance through the Arenas. You’ll have to interact with the environment itself to solve most of the puzzles: use the protagonist’s momentum to move platforms, flip the occasional lever, and sometimes you might have to sacrifice an NPC or two to cross a particularly spiky pit. * Story and Personality: Featuring lots of impish humor, Grade A sarcasm, and comic mischief, all balanced perfectly with the dark, heavy themes presented in this dystopian world.

Source: Description

Ministry of Broadcastは、ジョージ・オーウェルの小説「1984年」とリアリティショーを組み合わせた、ストーリー性の高い横スクロールアクションゲームです。その世界はダークなユーモアや皮肉、そして管理社会というもののバカらしさに満ちあふれています。

~ ストーリー ~ 国を分かつ壁が一夜で建てられたかのように突如出現し、ある男を家族から引き離した。家族に再び会うために、主人公である赤毛の男は政権が放送するテレビ番組「ウォールショー」で勝ち抜き、壁の向こう側、自由の世界を目指そうとするが… ショーが進むにつれ、主人公は政府とショーの主催者が何を求めているのかに気づいていく。約束された「自由」とは、自分の求める「自由」ではないのかもしれない…

~ ゲームについて ~ 本作は往年の名作2Dアクションから影響を受けた2D横スクロールアクションゲームです。プレイヤーはタイミングよく走り、ジャンプし、しかし高所からの落下を避ける、そんな古典的なシネマティック横スクロールアクションの魂を引き継いでいます。

主人公は自由と家族を勝ち取るため、政府の監視の目が絶え間なく光るアリーナからの脱出を目指します。 彼は高所から落ち、溶鉱炉に落ち、棘に刺さり、ワニに食べられ… 様々な残酷な運命に翻弄されるでしょう。 ただ、生き延びた先こそが最も過酷なのかもしれません…

~ゲームの特徴~ ・プレイの手を止めさせないシネマティックゲーム:数々のアリーナを走り、ジャンプし、落下して登るのを繰り返すごとに、徐々にストーリーが明らかになっていきます。 それはカットシーンやキャラクターとの長々とした会話ではなく、背景を飾る看板や、NPC同士の会話だったりと、ゲームを中断すること無く、プレイヤーの周囲で繰り広げられる美しいドットアニメーションとしてスムーズに差し込まれます。

・アートとユーザビリティを融合した環境HUD:体力バーにミニマップ、あれにこれと無用で目障りな表示が画面中を埋め尽くす…といったことは一切なく、必要な情報はすべて環境に組み込まれています。 パズルのヒントなどもアートワークにこっそりと、しかししっかりと組み込まれています。落下を繰り返す前に、より注意深く世界を観察してみましょう。

・歯ごたえ、そしてときに血の味がするパズル:ヒントと閃きを駆使してパズルを解いてください。時には無慈悲な選択を迫られる場合もあります。重力を味方にして足場を動かしたり、よくわからないレバーをいじってみたり、NPCを犠牲にしたり… あなたの考える最適解を選択してください。


Source: Description

Contributed by Rik Hideto.

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