
aka: Alida: The Enigmatic Giant, Alida: Zagadkowy gigant
Moby ID: 14559


This atmospheric graphical adventure is set on Alida, a guitar-shaped island theme park created by a young and wildly successful band. But when money woes and paranoia set in, the band splits up, each claiming different areas of the park, and where each devise strange and elaborate systems to protect their respective remaining wealth. Each member grows increasingly isolated and all eventually abandon Alida. Several years later the band’s manager suggests the band get together on the island. Soon thereafter band member Arin leaves for Alida and is not heard from again. Now, his wife, Julia, sends you to Alida to find Arin and bring him home.

Five years in the making, the world of Alida will captivate you with wondrous graphics, unique locations, intriguing puzzles, bizarre transportation machines, ornate objects, electronic imagery, tactile contraptions, massive constructions, animated natural elements, and an entrancing original music score.


[] Imaginative and beautifully rendered 3D environments

[] Engaging puzzles ranging from simple to complex

[] Mesmerizing audio

[] Story of intrigue and mystery


Got Game Entertainment's web site

What is Alida about?

Alida is a point and click interactive graphical adventure game. The story centres around four young men in the band Alida that attained phenomenal success with their first CD release. Loads of money coupled with wild imagination resulted in construction of "Alida" - the theme park. It's an unusual place - a giant guitar 330 metres long!

But these guys didn't stop there - the guitar can actually be played (assisted by machinery); the internal workings of the guitar can be accessed and manipulated (machine heads, switch, pots etc..)

As Alida was nearing completion things got complicated, their popularity was waning and money stopped coming in. Distrust set in. Each of the band members claimed different areas of Alida for themselves where they devised weird and elaborate systems to protect their wealth. They retracted from each other finally leaving Alida uninhabited. Fifteen years later one of the guys is missing on Alida...

Five years in the making, the Alida world will captivate you with meticulous graphics, unique locations, intriguing puzzles, bizarre transportation machines, ornate objects, electronic imagery, tactile contraptions, massive constructions, animated natural elements and original music score.

Would you enjoy playing Alida?

You will enjoy Alida if you like: - exploring and interacting with imaginative beautifully rendered 3D environments (see a few in the gallery pages) - solving puzzles that range from simple to complex solving a mystery - playing a game intensely over 2-3 weeks or casually over a long period of time - playing a game that you can enjoy with friends and family - having access to free Alida Hints, Walkthroughs and Diagrams - playing a game that could take over your life...

"As soon as the idea came to my head for Alida it never let me go. I started 3D modelling the ideas and with each render I got more convinced that Alida could come to life. At the same time I knew I had to be committed to the project if it was to become a reality. Now, 5 years later, Alida is ready for your discovery. I hope you enjoy the journey as I have."

Cos Russo 17 January 2003

Dejavu Worlds



Dutch publisher Project Three Interactive today announced a publishing deal for the PC version of "Alida", an atmospheric graphical adventure game. The game was originally developed for Macintosh and is now being brought to a bigger audience on the Windows PC platform.

The story centres around four young men in the band Alida, who attained phenomenal success with their first CD release. Loads of money coupled with wild imagination resulted in the construction of "Alida - the theme park". It's a rather unusual place: an island shaped like a giant guitar of 330 metres long! But these guys didn't stop there - the guitar can actually be played!

But...the band's popularity was waning and when the money stopped coming in, distrust set in. The band members isolated themselves, each claiming different areas of the island, where they devised weird and elaborate systems to protect their wealth. Finally, the island was left uninhabited. 15 Years later band member Arin has gone missing on the island and his wife, Julia, now sends the player to Alida to find him.

Five years in the making, the world of Alida will captivate the player with wondrous graphics, unique locations, intriguing puzzles, bizarre transportation machines, ornate objects, electronic imagery, tactile contraptions, massive constructions, animated natural elements and an entrancing original music score.

The game will ship on 5 CD's or on 1 DVDROM version which contains many extra's. Relatively low system requirements ensure that almost anyone owning a PC will be able to enjoy the enchanting beauty of Alida.

Cos Russo, the Australian creator of this illustrous tribute to the genre, who spent 5 years on completing the game, said: "Project 3 has an excellent background in releasing these type of adventure games. We jointly came up with the idea of the special edition DVD version and they will I am sure do very well in promoting the game. I am really excited to start working with them."

Erik Schreuder, Project 3 COO, added: "Cos Russo has done a remarkable job on making this fantastic game all by himself. We are absolutely looking forward to present this masterpiece to the many adventure game fans in Europe, Russia and Australia."

"Alida" for the PC CDROM and PC DVDROM platforms is scheduled to ship across Europe September 25th 2004.

Source: Press Release

We all fell into Juno's abyss, like a black hole


Your adventure begins when you're secretly dropped off on the island of Alida. The story centers around four young men in the band Alida who attained phenomenal success with their first CD release. Loads of money coupled with wild imagination resulted in the band's construction of a guitar-shaped island theme park.


Alida was abandoned when money woes and paranoia set in and the band split up. Now, several years later, the band's manager suggests a reunion on the island. Soon thereafter band member Arin leaves for the island and is not heard from again. His wife Julia sends you to Alida to find Arin and bring him home.


Alida is an intricate first person 3D graphical adventure game. With its wondrous and ornate graphics, unique and bizarre locations, clever and thought-provoking puzzles, all backed by an entrancing original music score, as you search for Arin, you will soon find yourself lost in Alida.

We got too close and couldn't turn back


Back of Box - Windows (US)

(English) The rockband Alida enjoyed unparalleled success with their first cd release. It made them extremely rich men. A wild and imaginative spending frenzy resulted in the construction of Alida-the theme park. It's a rather unusual place: an island shaped like a 330 metre long giant guitar!

The monstrous guitar can actually be played and the internal workings of the guitar can be accessed and manipulated. However, as the theme park was nearing completion, things got quite complicated: the band's popularity was waning and money stopped coming in. Distrust set in. Each of the band members claimed different areas of Alida for themselves, where they devised weird and elaborate systems to protect their own wealth. They retracted from each other, finally leaving Alida uninhabited.

Now, fifteen years later, the band's manager suggests the band get together on the island. Soon thereafter band member Arin leaves for Alida and is not heard from again. His wife, Julia, sends you to Alida to find Arin and bring him home. Can you unravel the island's mysteries?

Five years in the making, the Alida world will captivate you with meticulous graphics, countless unique locations, intriguing puzzles, bizarre transportation machines, ornate objects, electronic imagery, tactile contraptions, massive constructions, animated natural elements and an original music score.

(French) Une île abandonnée, une ancienne star du rock portée disparue, un univers tout droit sorti de l'imaginaire... Jamais un jeu d'aventure ne vous avait entraîné dans un monde aussi surprenant et au coeur d'un mystère si profond. Incarnez l'un des amis du fameux chanteur et partez à sa recherche ! Au cours de votre périple, vous devrez faire appel à tout votre intelligence afin de résoudre les nombreuses énigmes qui se poseront à vous pour retrouvez votre ami. Puzzles, mécanismes, questions de logique... nombreux sont les défis que vous devrez relever.

CARACTERISTIQUES: * Un jeu d'aventure hyper original : environnements multiples, scénario fouillés, jouabilité addictive, rien n'a été oublié. * Des graphismes photoréalistes ! Plongez dans les différents mondes entièrement en 3D d'Alida, vous découvrirez une île fantastique et des lieux oniriques. * Des dizaines d'énigmes prenantes ponctuant cette aventure hors du commun, vous tiendront en haleine de longues heures. * Une immersion totale grâce à une bande son envoûtante qui vous accompagnera tout au long du jeu. * Facile à prendre en main, Alida ravira les joueurs occasionnels et avertis.


Back of Keep Case (Europe)

Alida ist ein Themenpark auf einer kleinen Insel, weit draußen im Meer und seit nunmehr 15 Jahren verlassen. Arm begab sich trotz seiner bösen Vorahnungen auf diese Insel und ist nun seit über einer Woche verschollen. Von seiner Frau erhältst Du den Auftrag ihn zu suchen und wieder nach Hause zu bringen. Du folgst ihm also auf die Insel, mit nicht viel mehr als Deinem Verstand und einer Kette...

In ALIDA THE ENIGMATIC GIANT erkundest Du eine riesige fantasievolle Welt voller Rätsel und Abenteuer. Entschlüssele die Mysterien dieses verlassenen Eilands und tauche tief in die Geschichte voller Intrigen und überraschenden Wendungen ein. Die stimmungsvollen Grafiken und sphärischen Klänge werden eine finstere Atmosphäre schaffen und Dich über Stunden in den Bann dieser einsamen Szenerie ziehen. Kannst Du alle Puzzle lösen und die Geschichte zu einem guten Ende bringen?


• Wunderbar fantasievolle 3D Grafiken

• Verwinkelte Story mit vielen überraschenden Wendungen

• Sphärischer Soundtrack

• Riesige, durchdachte Szenerie

• Anspruchsvolle Rätsel

• Bonusmaterial: Komplettlösung, kompletter Soundtrack, Interview mit Cos Russo, dem Schöpfer von “ALIDA“


Back of Keep Case - Windows (Germany)

Contributed by PolloDiablo, Patrick Bregger, Jeanne.

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