Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

aka: Bokujō Monogatari: Saikai no Mineral Town
Moby ID: 147787

Your farming life begins in Mineral Town, a charming village surrounded by nature. You've returned after many years to restore your late grandfather's farm to its former glory. Care for crops, livestock, and more as your very own story of seasons unfolds.

▪Tend to the Farm!

A rich variety of fruits, veggies, and livestock are waiting for you. Raise them all with love and care, and you'll have plenty of products to harvest, sell, or cook with!

▪Stroll Down Memory Lane!

Mineral Town is full of friendly faces, both old and new! Head into town, give gifts, and learn all about your neighbors as you befriend them.

▪Fall in Love!

Mineral Town is home to several eligible bachelors and bachelorettes. Get to know the boy or girl of your dreams, and you might be able to date them, get married, and even start a family!

▪There's More to Explore!

Go fishing, cook fresh meals, and when your work's all said and done, take a dip in the local hot spring. Experience the farmer's life like never before!

Source: Description


個性豊かな人びとが暮らす町「ミネラルタウン」を舞台に、 新たな牧場生活がはじまります。

野菜や果物を育てたり、動物のお世話をしたり、 町に住む人たちと恋愛・結婚したり、人生をまるごと楽しもう!

◆作物を育てよう 牧場の畑で、野菜や果物を育てることができます。 毎日お世話して、大きく育ったら収穫、出荷してお金にかえよう!

◆動物を飼おう 牧場では、ウシやヒツジ、ニワトリなどを飼うことができます。 愛情込めてお世話すれば、ミルクや卵を生み出してくれます。

◆町へ行こう ミネラルタウンには、たくさんの住人たちが暮らしています。 町へ出かけて、住人たちとのコミュニケーションを楽しもう♪

◆恋をしよう 町に住む結婚候補からお気に入りの相手を見つけて恋愛! ふたりの愛が深まったらプロポーズして結婚、子供も生まれます。

◆ほかにもお楽しみがいっぱい 魚を釣ったり、料理したり、温泉に入ったり、 自由気ままに生活しよう!

Source: Description

Contributed by Zaibatsu, Rik Hideto.

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