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Daryl F. Gates' Police Quest: SWAT

aka: Daryl F. Gates Police Quest: SWAT
Moby ID: 150

Only the top 1% are even considered, then the competition gets tough.

Two figures appear in the scope of your rifle; an enraged attacker and his trembling hostage. In one single moment, all your training comes down to these two faces in the crosshairs, and your finger on the trigger. The shot is yours.

It's all in a day's work for members of the most elite force in crime fighting history: SWAT, the Special Weapons And Tactics team founded by former LAPD Chief Daryl F. Gates. Now you can experience this relentless adrenaline-pumping action firsthand as you begin your training as a SWAT officer. After instruction in actual SWAT tactics and target training sessions your skills will be called into action in multiple scenarios and career-advancing missions.

Innocent lives rely on your split-second decision making and your team's courage in the face of incredible danger.

  • Handle restricted Class 3 weaponry including H&K's MP5, and learn actual SWAT entry techniques and hand signals.
  • Team work is essential, timing is everything, when one false move could mean the difference between diffusion and disaster.
  • Steady hands and steadier nerves are crucial in your role as a sniper.
  • Instant decisions are critical when seconds separate life and death.

Police Quest: SWAT is created by former LAPD Police Chief Daryl F. Gates, who developed the very first SWAT team in the mid sixties, and designed and directed by Police Quest series veteran Tammy Dargan, former producer of television's America's Most Wanted. Their combined expertise is your assurance of the largest, most authentic police tactical simulation possible.


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Pech, aber hätten Sie während Ihrer Ausbildung besser aufgepaß, wären Sie vielleicht noch am Leben. Willkommen bei Police Quest® SWAT™. Sie werden mitten hineinversetzt in die SWAT, die Elitetruppe der amerikanischen Polizei. In enger Zusammenarbeit mit dem Entwickler dieser Eingrifftruppe entstand ein mehrere CDs umfassendes Spiel, das Sie mit seinen atemberaubenden Realismus fesseln wird.

Sie werden einer intensiven Ausbildung unterzogen, damit Sie Techniken und Waffen perfekt beherrschen. Sie sehen sich vielen Situationen gegenüber, in denen Ihr Leben davon abhängt, daß Sie in Sekundenbruchteilen die richtigen Entscheidungen fällen. Das Leben unschuldiger Bürger hängt von Ihrem Reaktionsvermögen ab ...


kompatibel mit Win'3.1/Win'95

Deutsche Version**


Als Scharfschütze benutzen Sie ein Rohr 308 mit Zielfernrohr.

Ihre taktische Bewaffnung: MP5- und AR15-Gewehre, CS-Gas, LASH-Helm, ...

Bewähren Sie sich in packenden, realistischen Einsätzen.


Print advertisement - PC Player 01/1996

Two figures appear in the scope of your rifle; an enraged attacker and his trembling hostage. In one single moment, all your training comes down to these two faces in the crosshairs, and your finger on the trigger. The shot is yours.

It's all in a day's work for members of the most elite force in crime fighting history: SWAT, the Special Weapons And Tactics team. Now you can experience this relentless adrenaline-pumping action firsthand as you begin your training as a SWAT officer. After instruction in actual SWAT tactics and target training sessions your skills will be called into action in multiple scenarios and career-advancing missions.

Innocent lives rely on your split-second decision making and your team's courage in the face of incredible danger.


Steam Store Description

Contributed by JPaterson, Patrick Bregger, Foxhack.

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