Army Men: Sarge's War

Moby ID: 15226


On the verge of a long-awaited peace between the Green and Tan, rogue elements of the Tan Army draw Sarge and his men out into the field. Out in the field, Sarge discovers a new and Diabolical enemy -- Colonel Malice --equipped with weapons that threaten the very existence of the Green Nation. With his squad destroyed, Sarge becomes a one-man army out to stop Colonel Malice at all costs. Never count out a toy with nothing to lose.

  • Gritty world of toy-on-toy combat.

  • Defeat you eternal foe the Tan Army with authentic weapons such as carbine rifles, assault rifles, shotguns, bazookas, sniper rifles, grenades, flamethrowers, time-bombs, mounted machine guns, and more.

  • Immersive gameplay including Campaign, Death Match, and Multiplayer modes.


Back of Case - XBox

Erledigen Sie die Armee des teuflischen Lord Malice! Steigen Sie ein in den erbarmungslosen Kampf Spielzeug gegen Spielzeug.

Zu Beginn des lang ersehnten Friedens zwischen den "Grünen" und den "Tans" trennen Abtrünnige der Tan-Armee Elitekämpfer Sarge von seiner Truppe. Im Feld entdeckt Sarge einen neuen, teuflischen Feind: Lord Malice. Dieser verfügt über Waffen, die die Existenz der Grünen Nation bedrohen. Als Ein-Mann-Armee muss Sarge Lord Malice um jeden Preis aufhalten.

Erledigen Sie die abtrünnige Armee von Lord Malice in der fesselnden Einzelspieler-Kampagne. Oder treten Sie im Deathmatch-Modus gegen ein Freund an (PS2-Version) bzw. im Multiplayer-Modus gegen bis zu drei Freunde (Xbox-Version).


Tactical Development


Freigegeben ab 16 Jahren gemäß § 14 JuSchG.

Empfohlener Preis

29.95 €

Erhältlich von

Global Star Software für PlayStation 2.

Global Star Software für Xbox.

Source: - PlayStation 2/Xbox

L'histoire débute lorque Sarge, rentrant d'une mission top secrète découvre que sa Nation a brutalement été détruite... Sarge devra affronter désormais un nouvel ennemi encore plus maléfique et diabolique : le Colonel Malice, celui qui menance l'existence de toute la communauté verte avec ses armes surpuissantes. Army Men Sarge's War est un jeu d'action à la troisème personne. Dans la peau de Sarge, le joueur gère toute l'action du jeu avec des combats intensifs et stratégiques et devra sauver sa nation.

Grâçe à une excellente intelligence artificielle de l'ennemi, un graphisme amélioré et des stratégies de combats plus pointues, la série Army Men profite ici d'une nouvelle jeunesse.

Prix de vente très compétitif * 12 niveaux et plus de 600 animations * Intelligence artificielle très poussée * Nouvelles armes disponibles : lance-flammes, bazooka, fusil à lunette, mitrailleuse lourde * Modes multijoueurs : Death match, * Coopératif, Capture the flag


Tactical Development




de Global Star Software sur PC Distribution mondiale.

de Global Star Software sur PlayStation®2 Distribution mondiale.

de Global Star Software sur Xbox Distribution mondiale.

Source: - Windows/PlayStation 2/Xbox

Mmmm. I love the smell of smoldering plastic in the morning!

A Few Good Army Men

You take on the role of Sergeant Hawk, the Green Army's best hope against the invading Tan Army hordes. The Tans' Colonel Malice is constructing a devastating super weapon with the hopes of controlling the plastic universe.

Nine different weapons give you ample firepower in your bid to thwart the colonel's malicious scheme. Rifles, grenades, flame-throwers, and bazookas are all at your disposal. The sniper rifle, which lets you zoom in on distant targets, is particularly satisfying.

Intuitive controls let you run, jump and strafe with ease. You can quickly switch among weapons, open doors and commandeer machine-gun turrets. A lock-on feature makes aiming a breeze, but sometimes it's tough to single out the desired target.

No Guts, No Glory

A detailed damage model makes this the grittiest Army Men game to date. Soldiers will lose limbs and show visible bullet holes before turning into scrap plastic. Enemies who dare enter your crosshairs will succumb to all kinds of torments that were no doubt inspired by the developers' own boyhood hijinks.

The clever cut-scenes send up Hollywood war flicks. Instead of Europe or North Africa, the fast and furious action takes place on kitchen countertops and fenced-in backyards.


In addition to the single-player adventure, multiplayer modes give you a chance play to melt a friend or three. Players can compete in Death Match and Capture the Flag modes via a split screen. Enemies in the single-player modes display fairly shrewd AI, but nothing beats the challenge of playing against a fellow human.

Army Men: Sarge's War is an action-filled third-person shooter that is grittier than you might expect. The detailed graphics and variety of weapons provide plenty of polymer-based thrills. Multiplayer support extends the replay value.


Вопреки всеобщим ожиданиям торжество, приуроченное к заключению мира в давней войне, обернулось не ликованием, но трагедией. В тот памятный день вероломные Бежевые осуществили страшный теракт, жертвами которого стали многие Зеленые. В числе погибших – боевые товарищи Сержанта. Одержимый жаждой мести, он готов в одиночку расправиться с коварными врагами…

Сержант объявляет боевую тревогу! * Убойная сила: простой динамичный шутер от третьего лица. * Хлеба и стрельбищ: двенадцать игровых миссий, насыщенных отчаянными перестрелками. * Готовность номер один: несколько режимов прохождения.

Source: (Publisher's website)

Contributed by Corn Popper, Klaster_1, Xoleras.

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