Bomber Raid

aka: Battle Wings, Super River Raid
Moby ID: 15625

Who has Mach-6 speed, helabad weapons, and a love for wastin' dweebs in tanks? You do. Take to the skies with Two-Mega fire-power in the gnarliest fighter-bomber game ever.

Wer hat eine Geschwindigkeit von Mach 6, Helabad-Waffen und eine Vorliebe für die Vernichtung von Gegnern in Panzern? Sie verfügen darüber. Starten Sie mit Zwei-Mega-Feuerkraft im ruppigsten Jagdbomberspiel, das es je gab.

Qui peut se vanter de voler à Mach-6, de posséder des armes terrifiantes et d'aimer détruire tout ce qui bouge dan un char? Vous. Décollez avec une méga puissance de tir pour ce super jeu de bomberdier, le plus tordu jamais inventé.

Quién dispone de una velocidad de 6 Mach, un imponente arsenal y unas ganas inaguantables de destruir carros de combate? Usted es la persona qui tiene todo eso. Despegue con todo ese poder en sus manos en este extraordinario juego de bombardero.

Chi puo volare a Mach 6, possiede armi terrificanti e ama distruggere tutto cio che si muove in un carro armato? Voi! Decollate con una megapotenza di fuoco nel gioco del caccia bombardiere piu veloce del mondo.


Back of Case - Sega Master System (Europe)

Who has Mach-6 speed, helabad weapons, and a love for wastin' dweebs in tanks? You do.

It's the gnarliest fighter-bomber game ever. So hot it feels like a coin-op. Why? Two-mega power means we cram a lot more game in the cartridge. So you get more action for your money.

(screenshot captions)

Collect weapons to build up your firepower. Then send a missile up his tailpipe.

Dive in closer to pepper the deck with cluster bombs.

Killer explosions. Incredible graphics. Cool sound effects. Hundreds of screens of dogfight mania.

These guys aren't wussies. They have planes, tanks, rockets, air mines, missiles, cannons, and a lot more.


Back of Case - Sega Master System (US)

Contributed by Hipolito Pichardo, ケヴィン.

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