Free D.C!

Moby ID: 160

Over one thousand years in the future, trapped in a new world turned upside down, a few subhumans, robots, mutant slime creatures, a mad scientist, a blonde woman named Johnnie, and you are the stars in an epic cinematic adventure set in the ancient ruins of Washington, D.C.

Robot overlords keep watch over the last survivors of the human race in a zoo amid the overgrown ruins of Washington, D.C.

It's just another day at the Human Zoo. A gal named Johnnie told her Atom Guard to stomp on your face, Harry the Subhuman tried to feed you to a monster in the radioactive slime river, and the robots who run the joint are sending out Death Poodles with your name stenciled on their teeth.

In this new Cineplay adventure, you'll battle dangerous robots, laugh at the antics of your sidekick Wattson, and comb the jungle for a mysterious gadget that holds the key to the survival of the last eight humans on Earth.

A new genre of cinematic adventure: Free D.C! is a game of complex relationships. Winning depends on your mastery of motive and your sense of humor. Will your response to the clever dialogue be skeptical, witty, or angry? The attitude your choose will affect the outcome.

  • Lifelike cinematic images and original stereo soundtrack.
  • Action-packed story by a professional screenwriter features intriguing personalities who think and speak for themselves.
  • Live actors and Claymation characters from the creator of the california Raisins make the story come alive.
  • Point-and-click control allows you to play without typing.


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Contributed by Trixter.

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