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Future Tactics: The Uprising

Moby ID: 16098


In the not-too-distant future, Earth is beset by a race of extra-dimensional critters with advanced technology and limited intelligence who are threatening all of mankind.

Humanity is forced to the fringes of a new world, gathering in enclaves and reverting to nomadic lifestyles, and formulates an attempt to strike back. Sadly, they soon discover that the enemy will not be easy to overcome....


Future Tactics offers up a fresh look at turn-based tactical RPGs, combining many popular elements with gorgeous graphics and a powerful game engine.

Taking command of Low, his younger sister Pepper, and a rag-tag band of fighters, you must combine their different skills and abilities to face the encroaching extra-dimensional threat. Brought to life by fully animated and voice acted cut scenes, the storyline takes you through 19 fully deformable 3D environments. Weapons leave battlefield damage and craters in their wake.

Featuring 18 playable characters, each configurable to your own tastes thanks to an experience points system, strong AI and destructible terrains, Future Tactics is one of the strongest tactical offerings on PS2.


  • Turn-based RPG focuses on the action rather than stats

  • Beautifully animated visuals

  • Two-player custom battle mode



**The children are our future, and they pack a powerful punch.

Features** * Turn-based combat * Play with 18 characters in 19 levels * Two players can battle head-to-head * Destroyable terrain

Low and Pepper learned their battle skills at the school of hard knocks. They had no other choice. Creatures from another dimension crushed the human race and now call Earth one of their colonies. The humans that remain move from town to town, not staying too long in one place. If they do, the monsters will mash them.

In Future Tactics: The Uprising, aliens kill Low and Pepper's father. The duo set out for revenge, and hope to reclaim Earth in the process. Packing high-level explosives, the kids meet other rebels along the way who will assist Low and Pepper in their battles.

Instead of free-for-all battles, the action takes place in turns. First, everyone in your group takes a turn, which consists of moving, firing a weapon and then either resting, healing or putting up a shield. Then, the creatures return their fire. This process continues until the stage is cleared or one of your members bites the dust. In the unfortunate event that you meet your maker, you keep any advancements in weapons and skills you earned if you continue.

Although the graphics in Future Tactics: The Uprising are fairly simple, the ability to destroy the terrain during battle makes mapping out your strategy more challenging. After all, you can't hide behind a rock if it's been blown to bits.

The targeting system for line-of-sight weapons is so touchy, it might be a bit frustrating. When you progress in experience, however, Low and Pepper gain equipment that helps them better target the baddies. It takes a while to get to that point, though.

However, you have no problem targeting the ballistic weapons. The screen changes to a bird's-eye view with a radar to show you the weapon's range. After you fire, the action cuts back to let you watch some explosive glory.

Your characters have different movement and weapons-fire ranges. Choose wisely which member of your party you want to go first in battle.

Progressing in Story Mode and accomplishing certain feats unlocks features in Battle Mode. In Battle Mode, you play as either the humans or the aliens and compete either against the computer or another person. The gameplay is similar to that of Story Mode. A winner is declared when one team is wiped out.

Bottom Line

Although the targeting makes shooting a chore, Future Tactics: The Uprising offers plenty of strategic challenges. Fans of traditional RPG games, however, may wish that the game had greater depth.



The Game

The reality you know is under threat.

The reality you know has been infected with a retroactive virus capable of rewriting history in its own image. The reality you know must end in order to save it.

At an indeterminable point in mankind's future, ordered society has reverted to a feudal state, scattered groups of survivors huddling together in small villages and nomadic enclaves. Mankind is running scared of the greatest to it's existence since reality first sputtered into existence.

Decades ago, the face of the planet changed, entire cities disappeared overnight, whole countries vanished. Left in their place were creatures, hideous shambling monstrosities, technologically advance, and yet intellectually retarded. And as mankind would soon discover, this was an enemy that could not be stopped and killed. Strike one down, and it would be reborn without so much as a scratch.

In the dark years ahead, when our enemies are but warped reflections of ourselves, and where our allies may be more than they seem, a boy, his sister, and a rag-tag assembly of unlikely warriors are the planets last hope. But as they soon discover, immortality comes at a price. Twisting perceptions, time and emotions.

Future Tactics is a tale of love, loss, hope...and some mean green ugly muthas.


  • Nine beautifully crafted characters, each with unique weapons and attributes
  • Nineteen levels, each with varied landscapes and challenges from rural idylls to deserted cities complete with seasons
  • High explosive action combined with turn based strategy allows the player to choose the pace of progress
  • Advanced AI enemies that respond intelligently to your every move
  • Unlimited replay opportunities as the combination of a unique enemy AI and deformable landscapes means that no two games are ever the same
  • Compelling plot driven missions written by TV script writer Paul Rose (of East enders fame) complete with rich FMV story driven objectives at the beginning of each mission
  • Fully destructible landscapes, buildings and scenery.
  • Enjoy the story-driven campaign or challenge a friend for a thrilling duell!


www.jowood.com - Windows

Das Spiel

Die Welt wie wir sie kennen steht auf dem Spiel...

... Sie wurde von einem Virus infiziert, der die Geschichte in seinem Sinne manipuliert.

Die hochtechnisierte Zivilisation ist zerschlagen, die Gesellschaft hat sich zu einem Feudalsystem zurückentwickelt, in dem zerstreute Gruppen verzweifelter Überlebender in kleinen Dörfern Zuflucht suchen. Die Menschheit erstarrt in Furcht - und sieht ihrer Auslöschung entgegen.

Jahrzehnte zuvor begann sich die Erde dramatisch zu verändern: Städte verschwanden über Nacht. Ganze Länder wurden ausgelöscht. Stattdessen erschienen Kreaturen, furchtbare Monstrositäten, technologisch überlegen, geistig zurückgeblieben. Und bald schon fanden die Menschen heraus, dass sie es nun mit einem Gegner zu tun hatten, den man nicht besiegen konnte. Wenn man einen von ihnen tötete, wurde er wiedergeboren - ohne einen einzigen Kratzer.

In den Jahren vor uns, Angesicht zu Angesicht mit einem übermächtigen Feind, sind unsere Verbündeten vielleicht mehr als sie zu sein scheinen. Ein Junge, seine Schwester und ein chaotischer Haufen bizarrer Krieger sind die letzte Hoffnung der Erde. Und schon bald erkennen sie, dass die Unsterblichkeit ihren Tribut fordert... Gestörte Wahrnemung, verkehrte Zeit, verdrehte Gefühle.

Eine faszinierende Saga über Liebe, Verlust, Hoffnung - und ein paar fiese, grüne, hässliche Mutanten.


  • Neun individuelle, faszinierend geformte Charaktere, jeder davon mit eigenen Waffen und speziellen Eigenschaften.
  • Neunzehn Level mit unterschiedlichsten Landschaften und Herausforderungen, von der ländlichen Idylle bis hin zu verlassenen Städten. Auch Jahreszeiten wurden effektvoll eingesetzt.
  • Brandheiße Action in Kombination mit ausgefeilter, rundenbasierender Strategie gibt dem Spieler die totale Kontrolle.
  • Die künstliche Intelligenz der Gegner reagiert auf jeden Schritt des Spielers - besser, als es diesem lieb ist...
  • Sooft wieder spielen, wie man will: Dank der einzigartigen und dynamischen KI und den voll zerstörbaren Landschaften wird kein Spiel wie das andere sein!
  • Spannende, storybasierte Missionen von TV-Drehbuch-Autor Paul Rose (East enders fame) komplett mit vollanimierten Briefing Videos am Beginn jeder Mission.
  • Landschaften, Gebäude, Szenerie sind dynamisch und komplett zerstörbar.
  • Einzelspieler oder Multiplayer - spannende Duelle für zwei Spieler!


www.jowood.com - Windows (German)


In nicht allzu ferner Zukunft wird die Erde von bösartigen Wesen aus einer anderen Dimension angegriffen, die mit modernster Technologie aber nur mit minimaler Intelligenz ausgestattet sind. Der gesamten Menschheit steht der Untergang bevor.

Die Menschheit wird an den Rande einer neuen Welt vertrieben, wo sie sich in Enklaven sammelt und ein Nomaden-Leben führt. Zwar schmiedet man eifrig Rachepläne, doch leider hat man es mit einem mächtigen Gegner zu tun ...


Future Tactics bietet euch eine neue Art des rundenbasierten Taktik-RPGs und verbindet viele der beliebtesten Elemente dieses Genres mit wunderschöner Grafik und neuer Spiel-Engine.

Ihr schlüpft in die Rollen von Low, seiner kleinen Schwester Pepper und einer zusammen gewürfelten Einheit. Koordiniert ihre individuellen Fertigkeiten, um die Bedrohung aus einer anderen Dimension abzuwehren. Die mit komplett animierten und mit Sprachaufnahmen versehenen Sequenzen gespickte Geschichte führt euch durch 19 voll zerstörbare 3D-Umgebungen. Überall hinterlassen Waffen beschädigte Objekte und Krater.

Das Spiel verfügt über 18 spielbare Charaktere, die ihr Dank des Erfahrungspunkte-Systems ganz nach eurem Geschmack gestalten könnt. Darüber hinaus sorgen starke KI und zerstörbare Landschaften dafür, dass Future Tactics zu den überzeugendsten Taktik-Titeln auf PS2 gehört.


  • Rundenbasiertes RPG, bei dem es um Action geht und nicht um Statistiken

  • Bildschöne Animation

  • Benutzerdefinierter Zweispieler-Schlachtmodus




Welcome to the future. It's not a pretty place. Not since the creatures took over, anyway. What's left is a rag-tag bunch of human survivors who live in squalor, battle their multidimensional overlords and wax nostalgic for better days. Now... a young boy named Low, his sister and a collection of fighters find themselves mankind's only hope for blasting the creatures back to where they came from. Wherever that is.

  • A unique, turn-based tactical combat engine that's all about the action, not the stats, leaving you more time for destruction.

  • Really leave your mark on a deformable terrain that changes as you destroy it. Blast holes in the wall, make craters out of meadows and send boulders flying like toys. Make a mess! No one will be around to clean it up.

  • Compelling story in the 19-level single player Story Mode. Two-player customizable Battle Mode lets you modify the handicaps, power-ups and victory conditions. Build to suit with an experience point system that lets you share upgrades as you wish.

  • Uniquely stylized high-polygon RPG characters - 18 in all - each with their own personality and attitude, let loose in a 3D world that is just as rich and full of surprises as they are.


Back of Case - PlayStation 2

Contributed by Xoleras, Corn Popper.

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