Trophy Hunter 2003

Moby ID: 17532


You've reached the summit on horseback. The air is clear and the views are awe-inspiring. As you check your GPS, a low growl from a nearby treeline makes the hair on the back of your neck stands straight up. That's a grizzly - and he's not far away. But that's why you're here, hunting for the largest and most dangerous big game in North America. From the Sangre de Cristo Mountians of New Mexico to Alaska's Southern Range, you're stalking the ultimate North American big game trophies.

Features: * Escape to the majestic beauty of the high country * Hunt elk, black bear, mountain lion, bighorn sheep, caribou, grizzly and moose * New, incredibly detailed hunting enviornments * "Be the Hunter" option lets you create and customize your own unique profile. * Use shotgun, bow, crossbow or rifle to stalk your quarry * See ambient animals including red-tailed hawk, golden-mantled ground squirrels, bald eagles, trout and more. * Hunt in all types of weather conditions- from driving rain to heavy snow. * Accumulate trophy points in order to improve your hunting skills and abilities.


Contributed by Xoleras.

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