Peek-A-Boo Poker

aka: AV Poker
Moby ID: 17930

NES version

8-Bit R-rated softcore porno strip poker for NES

The Good
It's basically 5-card draw video poker. One call is provided giving you a chance to exchange as many as five of your cards before continuing. The game play, while slow due to the excessive animation of each card moving from the deck to its place in your hand, was not terrible. With a bit of skill the AI was easy to beat regularly. Of the three unlicensed adult games Panesian produced for the NES, I found this one to be the most playable even in 2009.

The Bad
Graphics were about typical of 8-bit NES, but the operation of the game -- dealing cards, transfer of money, etc., was very slow. The "adult" content was R-rated at best, and in my opinion highly overrated. The comments made by the girls were also PG-13 to R-rated and I have a hard time believing ANYONE who paid for this game as an "Adult" game was satisfied by what they received.

The Bottom Line
Simplistic, yet moderately enjoyable. I wouldn't spend the money that this cartridge sells for on Ebay when available, but the ROM was fun to play and was at least as entertaining as Windows Solitaire, with the added bonus of the entertaining 8-bit female depictions.

by Derek Sherwood (2) on June 11, 2009

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