Mini Words

Moby ID: 183721

Quick facts on the English language:
* +600,000 words: English dictionary. * 30,000 words: the average vocabulary of an adult educated in English. * 2800 words: cover 90% of texts and conversations for an ESL student. * 721 words: enough to cover 90% of conversations. Do you know them?

Discover the most used words in English in Mini Words, a unique mix of puzzle, word search and hangman, in a minimalist and relaxing environment, no distractions.
Unscramble them using all letters on the board, without repeating or crossing paths.
* Simple to start: boards are small and words are easily recognized. But it won’t be easy to obtain all master achievements (in “no tips” mode!). * Those learning English can practice vocabulary. Have all those classes been worth it? * But those mastering the language have also the challenge to solve the puzzles. More advanced levels will test the skills of attention and logic problems solving. * 300+ levels and 700+ words. * UPDATE: 200 extra levels added.


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Contributed by Kam1Kaz3NL77.

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