🤔 How many games has Beethoven been credited on? (answer)

Ken ga Kimi: Momoyo Tsuzuri

Moby ID: 190638

◆About KEN ga KIMI Momoyo Tsudzuri

KEN ga KIMI is Japanese legend ADV and is highly recommended since released at Japan.
KEN ga KIMI Momoyo Tsudzuri is the FD of the original game and it has 100 stories included.

◆100 Stories Added Up!

Player can enjoy stories couldn't be told in KEN ga KIMI.
There are also many new event graphic for the stories.

◆Famous Voice Actor and Unique Charactors!

Tsuzuramara Voiced by Ono Yuuki

Kei Voiced by KENN

Kuroba Saneaki Voiced by Maeno Tomoaki

Enishi Voiced by Okiayu Ryoutarou

Sagihara Sakyou Voiced by Hoshi Souichirou

Suzukake Voiced by Oosaka Ryouta

## How to play KEN ga KIMI Momoyo Tsudzuri
1.How to advance the story

Choose a BOOK from STACK.
One book include several stories.
When you select a story, the plot will begin.
Stories will be unlocked while reading and you can start with the one you like.

◆About 100 Stories
-Sweet love stories;
-Untold stories about Sword;
-The past of Samurais;
-Interesting stories about the way back;
-Funny stories happened in Edo;
-Stories between Samurais;
-Stories of sub charactors.

2.Collecting Magatama

You should read the story and collecting the Magatama.

◆Ways to gain the Magatama
-Read stories;
-Narrative choices;
-Today's Restaurant and Tea House

◆About Today's Restaurant and Tea House
Charactors and sub charactors will visit the restaurant once a day
when starting the game and you can get Magatama as well.
Magatama can be exchanged for bonus.

◆Charactor's Details
Bonus voices from charactors which including 6 main charactors and 24 sub charactors!

◆Special Graphics
Special Graphics of the original game are available.

3.Chosing charactor

There are special choices in some stories.
Story will be continued from the viewpoint of which you choosed.

◆Collecting Bookmark
Player will gain a bookmark when chosing a charactor.
If you collect enough bookmarks, bonuses will be offered.## Controls

  • About ADV

Hide Window/Back/Cancel: Right Click/X(Keyboard)/B(Xbox Controller)
Confirm/Next: Left Click/D(Keyboard)/A(Xbox Controller)
Dictionary: Left Click/Z(Keyboard)/X(Xbox Controller)
Menu: Left Click/S(Keyboard)/Y(Xbox Controller)
AUTO: Q(Keyboard)/W(Keyboard)/LB/RB Once
SKIP: Q(Keyboard)/W(Keyboard)/LB/RB Twice
Quickload: 1/View
Quicksave: 2/Menu
Select: Arrow Keys(Keyboard)/Arrow Keys(Xbox Controller)/Left Stick
History: Arrow Keys←↑→(Keyboard&Xbox Controller)
Display Window: Left Click/Right Click/X(Keyboard)/B(Xbox Controller)
Cancel AUTO/SKIP: Left Click/Right Click/Q(Keyboard)/W(Keyboard)/LB/RB

  • Others

Select/Move Cursor: Arrow Keys(Keyboard)/Arrow Keys(Xbox Controller)/Left Stick
Confirm: Left Click/D(Keyboard)/A(Xbox Controller)
Back: Right Click/X(Keyboard)/B(Xbox Controller)
Page: Q(Keyboard)/W(Keyboard)/LB/RB
Delete(Enter Name): Z(Keyboard)/X(Xbox Controller)
Initialize(Enter Name&Setting): S(Keyboard)/Y(Xbox Controller)
Touch CG(Gallery): Z(Keyboard)/X(Xbox Controller)
Hide Manual(Gallery): S(Keyboard)/Y(Xbox Controller)
Play BGM: D(Keyboard)/A(Xbox Controller)
Pause BGM: Z(Keyboard)/X(Xbox Controller)

## About the story
It all started in 1633, when Tokugawa Tadanaga committed suicide.

Heroine lives in Edo with her father and works in their little restaurant and tea house.
One day her life changes because she has to play the role of the Shogun's sister, Lady Hisahime.

She is protected by six highly-skilled bodyguards and then fall in love with then during the procession. But there is another thinking behind the bridal procession, which is to deliver the one of the Tenka-Goken—Juzumaru.

When they returned Edo, fate also bring they together and at which stories begin. And there are also untold stories about the past which waiting for you.


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Rejetが贈る和風伝奇アドベンチャーゲーム『剣が君 百夜綴り』が ついにスマートフォンゲームとして登場!

▼物語 今から語れるのは、そこで彼らが再び 相まみえることから始まる、数多の物語。

そして、彼らが生きてきた証である、 語られざる物語。

夜ごと語って、綴りましょう。 誰もが忘れるその前に――

▼ゲームの特徴 剣が君の世界をより深く、身近に楽しむための物語をなんと全百編も収録しています。

甘く幸せな恋物語や、侍たちの過去、サブキャラクター達の物語など、バラエティ豊かな小話も収録しています。 人物選択肢が出現すると、視点を変えて物語を進めていくことも可能です。

彼視点でのデートでは彼の心の中が覗けたり、主人公の知らない物語の裏側が見られたりと、 多彩な視点から楽しむことができます。

▼物語を彩る豪華声優陣と個性的な登場人物 ・漆黒の旅侍 九十九丸(声:小野友樹) ・忠義なる御用聞き 螢(声:KENN) ・隠れ切支丹の剣豪 黒羽実彰(声:前野智昭) ・遊び人の公儀隠密 縁(声:置鮎龍太郎) ・復讐の元武家 鷺原左京(声:保志総一朗) ・妖と育った少年 鈴懸(声:逢坂良太)

▼スタッフ 曲:プロキオンスタジオ 原作:深町一文 イラストレーター:読 企画・制作・販売:Rejet株式会社

▼公式情報 【公式サイト】http://rejetweb.jp/kengakimi/ 【公式Twitter】https://twitter.com/Rejet_info

▼お問い合わせ [email protected]

▼推奨OS iOS13.0 以降

▼推奨端末 iPhone 8 以降

※推奨端末以外でのサポートは致しかねますので何卒ご了承ください。 ※Wi-Fi通信環境でのダウンロードを推奨します。 ※機種変更時は、クイックスタートで旧機種からデータ移行を行った後に、アプリをダウンロードをお願いします。

©2013-2021 Rejet


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