Corsairs: Conquest at Sea

aka: Corsairs, Der Korsar
Moby ID: 2022

Front cover:

"The best virtual buccaneering since Pirates! A great deal of fun." -- PC Gamer

Back cover:

Get ready to walk the plank in real time!

Plunge into a world of adventure and freedom and discover the excitement of sailing, the thirst for gold, thundering cannons and savage pirate attacks. A fascinating quest will lead you to the four corners of the Earth, and new adventures will await you in each port along your journey. You will accumulate fortune for yourself or your country either by force or through your shrewd business dealings. As an accomplished warrior and skilful negotiator, only strategy will serve to forge your reputation. You may even succeed in becoming more admired than your king and more feared than the most barbaric of pirates!

  • Sail 12 authentically reproduced vessels using historically accurate maps
  • Command every aspect of your fleet, from crew's morale to the sale of your booty
  • Over 28 missions during which you can choose from numerous quests
  • Extensive reputation and resource management system impacting game direction
  • Meet and confront famous characters like Blackbears and Surcouf and take part in major battles based on real events


Original box


Become the most dreaded privateer of all time. From the Caribbean to the coasts of Australia, become the hero of a fantastic adventure... Take command of a fleet of faithfully reproduced ships and head off to do battle with the enemies of your nation, and for the first time, direct your own boardings, and control each member of your team, from the lowest seaman to the highest officers.


Back of Shogo Mobile Armor Division Jewel Case

Dem König treu.

Der Nation verpflichtet.

Dem Abenteuer gewachsen.

Setzen Sie Segel und tauchen Sie ein in eine Welt des Abenteuers und der Freiheit. Erleben Sie die Faszination der Schiffahrt, den Nervenkitzel historischer Seeschlachten und stellen Sie sich den Herausforderungen des Piratenlebens.

  • Spannende Story mit historischem Hintergrund
  • Realistische Seeschlachten und Entern feindlicher Schiffe mit voller Kontrolle über jedes Besatzungsmitglied
  • Umfangreiche Handels- und Aufbauoptionen


Advertisement in PC Games, July 1999 (German)

"Var är mitt träben!?"

Reva seglen! Lastskepp på babord sida!

Corsairs tar oss tillbaka till piraternas glans-

dagar, precis som den gamla klassikern Pirates.

Med 1700-talets Karibien som bakgrund gäller

det att skapa sig en framtid och samla rikedomar.

Välj mellan en mängd fartyg som du bygger din

fotta av, befäst din bas, möt legendariska

personligheter och sök lyckan i nya världen...


Advertisement in Svenska PC Gamer, July 1999

Contributed by Roedie, Tomas Pettersson, Trickster, Xoleras.

Know of a missing ad blurb? Contribute.