Brown Dust II

aka: Brown Dust 2
Moby ID: 205256

Download Now and go on a ""Real Adventure""!
◈ Launch Celebration! ""Infinite Draws"" available until you get your desired character◈
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▣ Game Introduction ▣

■ A New Adventure RPG with Console-Level Graphics ■
Experience High-End 2D graphics with overwhelming detail!
Enjoy the diverse charms of Live 2D characters drawn by top-tier illustrators,
along with beautifully designed fields that add excitement to your adventures.

■ Immersive Adventures in Both Landscape and Vertical Mode ■
A user-friendly interface optimized for both landscape and vertical screens!
Experience a whole new level of immersion as you explore the expanded world.

■ Console-Style Game Pack that Transcends Time and Space with a Captivating Storyline ■
The game pack system evokes the nostalgia of classic console games!
Immerse yourself in a thrilling storyline that unfolds in a multi-universe world and discover what lies beyond.

■ The core of Browndust: battle system with a quarter-view perspective ■
A 3x4 simulation battle system that maximizes the tension!
Don't miss the excitement of thrilling battles during adventures with well-designed intuitive turn-based battles

■ User-vs-User PvP and Evil Castle to Complete Your Adventure ■
Constantly test your own strategies and experience the joy of victory!
Complete your adventure while enjoying the Evil Castle content that tests your limits.

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Contributed by Koterminus.

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