Geniu$: The Tech Tycoon Game

aka: Genius: Unternehmen Physik
Moby ID: 20722

Schlüpfe in die Rolle eines Erfinder-Unternehmers wie es Edison, Siemens oder Daimler waren. Baue Häuser, gründe Fabriken und leite schließlich ein gigantisches Großunternehmen! Werde zugleich als Forscher tätig und löse zahlreiche physikalisch-technische Probleme. Erlebe 100 Jahre Technikgeschichte hautnah mit!

Bauen und managen

Als Chef musst du nicht nur Straßen und Schienen, Wohnhäuser, Fabrikhallen und Forschungslaboratorien bauen, sondern auch das gesamte Unternehmen managen. Rohstoffe und Preise, Absatz und Gewinn, Löhne, Investitionen – du musst alles im Blick haben, damit dein Unternehmen wächst.

  • Infrastruktur schaffen
  • Straßen bauen
  • Gelände planieren
  • Unternehmen elektrifizieren

Ein gelungener Genre-Mix

Bei Genius sind mehr als deine Management-Fähigkeiten gefragt. Bedeutende Erfindungen müssen gemacht werden, physikalisch-technische Probleme sind zu lösen und das nötige Fachwissen ist zu erwerben. Dabei helfen dir Fachzeitschriften und Briefwechsel mit Wissenschaftlern deiner Zeit. Eingewoben in die Geschichte sind über 100 Aufgaben und Experimente zu den wichtigsten Themen der Physik:

  • Mechanik
  • Wärmelehre
  • Elektrizität
  • Optik
  • Kernphysik

Spielspaß garantiert

Genius ist immer wieder spielbar, da jedes Spiel anders verläuft. Baue dein Unternehmen immer wieder anders auf, oder wähle zwischen verschiedenen Szenarien und gründe dein Imperium in Berlin, London, Detroit, dem Ruhrgebiet oder Melbourne.


Get started on the road to riches and experience how industry changed the world!


Go from humble beginnings to become an industrial magnate

Make your dreams come true and a fortune at the same time!

Investigate new ideas and put them to the test

Strategically build your towns and factories

Grow your company into a global empire


Inside Cover (Windows US)

Be the entrepreneur, take a small start-up to a multinational company as you combine invention, innovation and luck.

Witness key inventions of the 19th and 20th centuries & see first hand how they changed the world.

You'll make the decisions, take risks and reap the rewards!

ARE YOU THE NEXT GENIU$ ? Game Features* 5 locations around the globe: Detroit, Pittsburgh, London, Berlin & Melbourne

  • Solve and apply over 100 challenging physics puzzles

  • More than 40 types of buildings

  • Stunning real-time 3D graphics

  • Take your start-up company to a massive multi-national conglomerate

  • Complex strategy game based on real people and discoveries

  • Excellent replay value - enjoy a different game every time

Invent - Build - Manage


Back Cover - Windows (US)


Viva Media's new PC CD ROM game, Geniu$, breaks new ground by combining real world events with an industrial tycoon-sim game play

New York, NY - October 2005 - Starting with a humble bicycle shop and building it up to a large multinational in one short century could only be the work of a GENIU$. Viva Media's GENIU$ puts players into the drivers seat and starts them on the road to riches.

Viva Media CEO, Carlo Voelker comments, "GENIU$ is a unique gaming experience, combining real science and events from history and great sim-tycoon game play. Playing as the entrepreneur, players will take risks, make business decisions, invent and discover new technologies, solving some problems while creating others."

Manage your workers and resources to create productive factories. Do it right and you could be the Geniu$. Players are witness to 100 years of technical innovations that changed the world, as they grow their companies into the 20th Century.

About Viva Media

Viva Media, LLC is a privately owned New York company dedicated to publishing a wide array of interactive content of the highest standards. The company's collection of almost 100 multimedia titles touts over 40 awards for excellence in software publishing.


Viva Media Press Release

Fame and fortune awaits GENIU$! Be the entrepreneur who can take a small start-up to a multinational company as you combine invention, innovation and luck. Witness the key inventions of the 19th & 20th centuries & see first hand how they changed the world as you implement them. Experience history through an all new kind of tycoon-like game. You'll make the decisions and reap the rewards!

Genius lets the players slip into the role of an inventor and entrepreneur, moving in the realm of greats like Thomas Alva Edison, Werner Siemens or Ferdinand Braun. With the help of your business instinct, knowledge of physics, and skillful management, you can become the head of a large multinational company.

Geniu$ combines events from the real world with simulation game play. Important historical figures, like Edison, contact the player throughout the game with their problems and questions, making for unique game play based on actual discoveries, events and people. There are five central areas of physics that are the basis of challenging puzzle in the game. These areas are: engineering, thermodynamics, optics, electricity and astronomy.

With Genius the player enters a world of real time 3-D graphics in which he can actively manage affairs. All scenarios and puzzles that the player encounters, are taken from physics, and are organically linked into the story play. The player experiences physics through concrete applications and experiences, and decides what can be built using the specialized knowledge he gains on the way: bicycles, cars, zeppelins, airplanes and even rockets. Players dive into a complex structural simulation, whose success results from applied physical know-how.

Play in 5 Global Locations.

Pittsburgh, PA, United States

Detroit - Motor City, MI, United States

Berlin, Germany - Siemens City

London, UK - between the City and the Themes

Melbourne, Australia - in the mountains

Build factories, produce and sell goods.

Bicycles; Locomotives; Optical equipment; Motorcycles; Automobiles; Trucks; Airships; Airplanes and Rockets

Build Research facilities and explore new technologies as time progresses.

Engineering - from 1858 onwards

Thermodynamics - from 1875 onwards

Optics - from 1895 onwards

Electricity - from 1915 onwards

Astronomy - from 1935 onwards


Viva Media Fact Sheet

Contributed by Jeanne.

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