Archetype Arcadia

Moby ID: 211012

Step into a dark, sci-fi visual novel set in a post-apocalyptic world where a mysterious disease called 'Peccatomania' has wiped out most of humanity. The story revolves around Rust and his sister, roaming empty lands and searching desperately for other humans alive. All other humans have supposedly fallen victim to this disease which causes those inflicted to suffer from insanity, sensory illusions, and uncontrollable self-destructive urges. The only way to control these symptoms is by spending time inside a virtual game called Archetype Arcadia.

Rust doesn't suffer from the disease, but when his sister who does mysteriously falls unresponsive one day, he must enter the virtually immersive game and navigate this unseen world to find a fix for his sister. Within the game exists a whole new world full of people and monsters. A world in which wearing a game device allows players to utilize powerful memories and corresponding avatars to fight each other. While this virtual existence supposedly delays the disease, it also carries severe consequences.

As Rust battles his way through this strange world for a cure, he meets various people with unexpected identities and origins, makes unbreakable friendships, and undoubtedly some enemies along the way. Archetype Arcadia is a plot which unravels beautifully and shockingly, taking the player along a journey of mystery, heartbreak, friendship, and salvation.

  • A post-apocalyptic visual novel, facing mysterious events in a virtual world.
  • Story-rich visual novel, with 50+ hours of story and 8 whole chapters!
  • Choice-making moment, with many chances to influence outcomes beware of bad endings!
  • Flashbacks, see the past as it once was and how memories control a characters' future.
  • Perspectives, have the chance to see other characters' real thoughts and emotions.
  • Vibrant Art, exciting scenes with bold art capturing vital moments.
  • Key Milestones, encountering bosses defines vivid moments that drive the story forward.


Steam Store Description

Can you separate truth from fiction in Archetype Arcadia?

Archetype Arcadia is a dark, sci-fi visual novel set in a post-apocalyptic world where a mysterious disease called the 'Original Sin' has wiped out most of humanity. The story revolves around Rust and his sister, roaming empty lands and searching desperately for other humans alive. All other humans have supposedly fallen victim to the disease which causes those inflicted to suffer from insanity, sensory illusions, and uncontrollable self-destructive urges. The only way to control those symptoms is by spending time inside a virtual game called Archetype Arcadia. Rust doesn't suffer from the disease, but when his sister who does mysteriously falls unresponsive one day, he must enter the virtually immersive game and navigate this unseen world to find a fix for his sister. Within the game exists a whole new world full of people and monsters. A world in which wearing a game device allows players to utilize powerful memories and corresponding avatars to fight each other. While this virtual existence supposedly delays the disease, it also carries severe consequences. As Rust battles his way through this strange world for a cure, he meets various people with unexpected identities and origins, makes unbreakable friendships, and undoubtedly some enemies along the way. Archetype Arcadia is a plot which unravels beautifully and shockingly, taking the player along a journey of mystery, heartbreak, friendship and salvation.

Source: Description




「レイジングループ」「デスマッチラブコメ!」の曲を手掛けた乃々都(STUDIO CARNAVAL)によるドラマチックなサウンドにも注目。



Source: Description

◆絶望的で凄惨な終末仮想世界の物語 謎の病によって崩壊してしまった世界。 病を治す唯一の方法は「アーキタイプ・アーカディア」と呼ばれるオンラインゲームの中にあった。

記憶をアバターに変えて戦うフルダイブ型オンラインゲームの中で、主人公ルストは世界の崩壊や幾多の激動に絡め取られていく。 時に陰惨で過酷でもある展開が、目をそらせない強烈な引力を伴って繰り広げられる。

◆フルボイスで物語はより鮮やかに 大切な妹、戦い方を教えてくれる師匠、愛されキャラな皆のアイドル、いまいち本心が掴めない不思議系少女、屈託のない笑顔で自身を守る女の子、世界を終わらせようとする青年…… 主人公の前に現れる数々のキャラクターたちは、本当に味方なのか?

「アーキタイプ・アーカディア」の謎とは? 賑やかで不穏に満ちた世界が完全フルボイスで展開。


災厄世界系ADV「最悪なる災厄人間に捧ぐ」を手掛けたウォーターフェニックスのRが、今作でもシナリオとイラストのすべてを担当。 荒廃した世界で紡がれる濃い闇と、絶望から浮かび上がる優しい眼差しを、今回も鮮やかに描き出す。 「レイジングループ」「デスマッチラブコメ!」の曲を手掛けた乃々都(STUDIO CARNAVAL)によるドラマチックなサウンドにも注目。

◆遊びやすい操作システム 既読の章や節に戻れる機能やスキップ操作で、ストーリー途中での読み直しもカンタン。

スマホ向けに簡易縦持ち表示オプションも搭載。 快適操作で全ての結末を目指そう!


================ 対応機種: iOS 12以降のiPhone 7及びiPad 6以上の端末で動作します。 ※非対応機種では動作が不安定なため、ユーザーサポートの対象外となります。 ================


iTunes Store Description

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