Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever

aka: Ecks vs. Sever II: Ballistic
Moby ID: 21501

Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever takes aim on your Game Boy Advance in a thrilling first-person shooter, courtesy of BAM! Entertainment.

Based on the action-packed movie starring Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu, Ballistic follows the globe-trotting exploits of ex-FBI agent Ecks and former NSA operative Sever as they attempt to shut down a worldwide weapon cartel. Ballistic is actually the sequel to 2001's Ecks vs. Sever, which broke new ground for first-person shooters on the Game Boy Advance.

Players assume the role of either Ecks or Sever in 24-plus single-player missions around the world. While many objectives require little more than running and gunning, there are also situations that require our heroes to use stealthier tactics.

BAM! has equipped the dueling desperadoes with the latest spy gear, including infrared goggles, sniper rifles, jetpacks, spy cams, proximity mines and more. All this gadgetry will come in handy against the deadly AI, which has been vastly improved over the first Ecks vs. Sever. Enemies now react to sights and sounds and will have no problem tracking you down.

If looks could kill, Ballistic would be at the top of the most wanted list. BAM! brings back the excellent 3D engine from the original game with some noticeable improvements.

Colorful texture maps cover nearly every wall and surface with surprising detail. Although the characters themselves are 2D bitmaps, they're extremely well-animated and blend in well with the 3D environments. Each weapon's sound effect has been accurately modeled after its real-life counterpart.

What first-person shooter would be complete without decent multiplayer modes? Thankfully, Ballistic packs in five different modes of multi-Pak mayhem. Multiplayer action requires GBAs and Game Paks for every player and enough GBA Game Link cables to connect all systems.

Players can compete in classic Death Match, Assassination, Bomb Kit and Capture the Flag modes. If you tire of competitive play, there are also two-player co-operative campaigns to tackle.

Whether you run your missions solo or enlist the aid of your buddies, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever offers some of the finest FPS action on the go.

Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever has been rated "T" (Teen) by the independent Entertainment Software Rating Board.


Contributed by Kartanym.

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