Wall Street Kid

Moby ID: 216885

NES version

An Odd kind of game...

The Good
I actually played it to completion. Just by noticing the headlines, I bought the right stocks and bought the right toys, and made a million dollars! All very capitalistic and well......Wall Streetish! Not an action game in anyone's dictionary, and one of the strangest to make into a game! This is so mundane and dull it's kind of strangely addictive. You want to see if you could beat the game anyway. Make the big score at the NYSE!

Not terribly difficult to master and pretty much straight forward. Buy and sell, make money and spend it!
In good condition this is so odd it would be a collectors item for somebody and maybe so rare it might be worth a buck or two.

Let's face it, there can't be too many copies of this floating around anymore. It is such an odd subject to make into a video game. Stocks and bonds and capitalism! In a text based game! The next game is called Growing Your Lawn!

It is like that stamp with the upside down plane, it's a stamp, it'll get the job done, but there's something weird about it.

The Bad
You can't win until you get used to the game style and get the information to use in your stock choices. More boring in the beginning than later. (Is that possible?)

Jokes become stale after you've read them 20 times!

The Bottom Line
Odd and strangely compelling game, tedious to be sure, but you kind of want to see if you can do it. Easy enough to do after some trial and error.

Future collectors item I think. If not already.

by Oblio (97) on February 26, 2006

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