Kingdom of Paradise

aka: Key of Heaven, Tenchi no Mon
Moby ID: 22385


The peaceful world of Ouka and its five martial clans are disrupted when the Kirin Clan brutally attacks to gain absolute power. As Shinbu, a warrior once considered an outcast, use your deadly swordsmanship skills to avenge your clan's decimation and restore the balance of powers.


Back of Case (US)

Key of Heaven storyline

The War

Three hundred years ago, the known world consisted of 9 continents spread across a vast ocean. The center of this world was "Ohka", a wondrous continent rich in Oriental mysticism.

Ohka was ruled by five "Bumon," or houses of martial arts, each boasting their own unique fighting style.

However, "Sema", a continent far to the west whose invading forces were led by the "Demonic General", threatened their rule.

Following a fierce battle, the five Bumon finally brought the war to a close, "sealing" the Demonic General in Ohka by means of a mysterious "Key".

With the war thus ended, all believed that peace would reign eternal....

The Bumon

The Bumon are linked, with the Gate of Kirin in the center, surrounded by the Gate of Seiryu to the east, the Gate of Byakko to the west, the Gate of Suzaku to the south, and the Gate of Genbu to the north. The harmonious "Ki" generated by these five Bumon preserve the peace of this world.

A master, whose absolute authority is symbolized by a "Divine Sword", rules each Bumon. Moreover, each Bumon has its own martial art, culture, and tradition.

The Story

Shinbu is a young lad residing in a village near the Gate of Seiryu. He earns his living as a hired bodyguard for travelers.

A few years ago, his parents left on a trip from which they never returned. Rumor had it that his father and mother met with an unfortunate accident. Shinbu now lives under the roof of his foster father, Seidatsu.

Like his father, Hohaku, who was adept in the martial arts, Shinbu was a disciple of the Gate of Seiryu. However, Shinbu was expelled from the Bumon when he was caught in his attempt to read the "Monument of Secrets", a right he had yet to earn. For any who have walked the path of the Bumon, training is a way of life. Hence, Shinbu continued to hone his skills on his own.

One day, while returning to his village after delivering a traveler to safety, Shinbu saves a girl named Suirin – a disciple of the Gate of Seiryu – who was being attacked by members of the Gate of Kirin. Suirin was on her way to see Shinbu.

When Suirin learns that her rescuer is the one she seeks, she informs Shinbu that a party from the Gate of Kirin raided the Gate of Seiryu, and that the Master of the Gate of Seiryu and all his disciples – with the exception of herself – were dead. She goes on to explain that the group took the Divine Sword of Seiryu.

As the only survivor of her Bumon, Suirin sought Shinbu in the hope that he would help her recover the sword and restore the Gate of Seiryu. Having been deemed unworthy and expelled from the Gate of Seiryu, Shinbu was troubled by Suirin's request. However, his doubts are dismissed when Seidatsu (his foster father) hands him the "Singing Sword" which was bequeathed to Shinbu by his father, Hohaku.

Armed with the wise teachings of Seidatsu and his father's sword, Shinbu decides to join Suirin in her quest.

Together, the two journey to the Gate of Seiryu in search of the Divine Sword of Seiryu. When they reach the ruins of his former Bumon, Shinbu encounters a mysterious youth named "Eigen", who seems eager to help. However, Eigen disappears the following day along with Shinbu's "Kenpu" (Swordsman's Scroll).

Judging from Eigen's possessions as well as his speech and behavior of the previous day, Shinbu deduces that Eigen comes from the north. With this in mind, Shinbu heads for the Gate of Genbu.

While on the road to the Gate of Genbu, Shinbu comes across the twin sisters, Lu-yan and Li-yin, who are being attacked by two villainous brothers, Uzo and Muzo. While engaging the brothers in combat, Shinbu learns that Uzo and Muzo were responsible for the deaths of his parents. Shinbu succeeds in protecting the twin sisters, but at the end of the fierce battle, the two brothers manage to escape.

Shinbu vows to himself that he will find Uzo and Muzo one day to avenge his parents.

Arriving at the Gate of Genbu, Shinbu and company find Eigen. However, they are shocked to learn that the Master of the Gate of Genbu, Genmei, has fallen at the hands of the Gate of Kirin's General, and that the Divine Sword of Genbu has been taken.

They also learn that Eigen is a disciple of the Gate of Genbu and that he stole Shinbu's Kenpu to gain the power necessary to save his Bumon from the clutches of Genra – a traitorous disciple who betrayed the Gate of Genbu and now serves the Gate of Kirin as a General.

With two Bumon masters dead and their Divine Swords taken, Shinbu and friends decide that the Gate of Byakko and the Gate of Suzaku must be warned. Together they head for the Gate of Byakko – Ohka's greatest martial arts Bumon – which is headed by a young woman known as Jokushu.

Meeting with Jokushu, Shinbu learns that the recent events were all part of the evil machinations of Gikyo, the Master of the Gate of Kirin. Jokushu also reveals that Genra is an agent working for Gikyo.

Having been long aware of the threat posed by Gikyo, Jokushu had been preparing to mount an attack on the Gate of Kirin.

Following his contact with Jokushu, Shinbu heads for the Gate of Suzaku to warn its Master, Shukuyu, of the crisis facing Ohka.

While on his way to the Gate of Suzaku, Shinbu reunites with Suirin, who was on a different mission at the time. But, under mind conrtol, Suirin suddenly attacks him. Unable to raise a hand against his comrade, the battle ends with Shinbu falling over the edge of a cliff.

Separated from Suirin once again, Shinbu finds himself wandering on an abandoned road somewhere near the Gate of Suzaku. On the road, he meets a mysterious martial arts expert, Reigai, who helps him find his way to the Gate of Suzaku.

The Gate of Suzaku is a special Bumon whose ranks are restricted to women. Meeting with Shukuyu, the head of the Gate of Suzaku, Shinbu tells her everything he's learned at the Gate of Byakko.

His mission completed, Shinbu prepares to leave when Enran, a female sword-master who is another of the Gate of Kirin's Generals, suddenly attacks the Gate of Suzaku. Formerly a disciple of the Gate of Suzaku, Enran betrayed her Bumon and joined the Gate of Kirin's forces.

Shinbu manages to drive back Enran's attack. Later, he is asked by Shukuyu to deliver a message to her brother, Kairoku, in the Gate of Seiryu.

Arriving once again at the Gate of Seiryu, Shinbu goes to the head temple where he meets a man named Densei. Similar to Shinbu, Densei was a student of the martial arts who had been expelled from the Gate of Seiryu. Densei currently makes his living by selling information across the continent.

Through information provided by Densei, Gikyo's final objective is revealed. Gikyo hopes to find the Key of the Gate of Kirin and remove the Seal of the Gate of Kirin. Hoping to save Ohka from disaster, Densei explains to Shinbu that he intends to use his own network to find the key. He then bids Shinbu farewell.

Following Densei's departure, Shinbu meets with Kairoku and delivers Shukuyu's message. He then heads for the Gate of Suzaku once again.

On his way, he is reunited with the twin sisters, Lu-yan and Li-yin. The twins reveal to Shinbu that they are the protectors of the Key of the Gate of Kirin, and that they are the heads of "the Gate of Soki", a secret Bumon that has long remained concealed from the annals of history.

The sisters explain the importance of the key to Shinbu who in turn promises to crush Gikyo's evil plans.

When Shinbu returns to the Gate of Suzaku, he finds Genra with "Genbu of the Four Divinities" in tow, leading an attack on the Bumon. Despite Genbu's power and their Divine Sword of Genbu, Shinbu repels Genra's attack. However, Shinbu loses the Divine Sword of Suzaku and finds himself seriously injured on the field of battle.

Having survived a desperate battle with Genra and Genbu, Shinbu realizes that he doesn't have what it takes to win should he have to face his enemies again.

At this point, a depressed Shinbu once again meets the mysterious martial arts expert, Reigai, who he previously encountered on the abandoned road to the Gate of Suzaku.

Reigai reveals that Shinbu's father, Hohaku, was a friend as well as his rival in the martial arts. To help Shinbu survive in his battles to come, Reigai teaches the boy a part of the legendary sword technique known as "Sanbanken". In addition, Reigai reveals that Hohaku – who was believed to have died at the hands of Uzo and Muzo – is still alive.

A master of the Sanbanken, Hohaku was able to wield incredible power. In order to use that power for their own selfish needs, Uzo and Muzo were holding him prisoner.

With the Divine Swords of Seiryu, Genbu, and Suzaku now in the hands of Gikyo, Shinbu heads for the Gate of Byakko in the hopes of protecting the remaining Divine Sword.

At the Gate of Byakko, Shinbu meets with the Bumon's head, Jokushu. In spite of the fact that the Gate of Suzaku was under attack, she reproaches him for defeating "Genbu of the Four Divinities", a Guardian of the Divine Sword. She then orders Shinbu to leave the Gate of Byakko.

Finding himself at a loss, Shinbu decides to master the remainder of "Sanbanken" in accordance with the advice of Densei, whom he had once again encountered in the Gate of Byakko.

Hohaku is the only man on the continent who has mastered "Sanbanken". Hence, in order to complete his knowledge of the technique, Shinbu sets out to rescue Hohaku who is being held prisoner by Uzo and Muzo on a remote island.

Shinbu learns that Hohaku is locked away in a tower that stands in the center of the island.

On his way to rescue his father, Shinbu is reunited with Reigai and his foster father, Seidatsu. It turns out that Seidatsu was also both friend and rival to Hohaku and Reigai. Furthermore, Shinbu finds out that "Sanbanken" can only be completed when the three – Hohaku, Seidatsu, and Reigai - are together.

Following an intense battle, Shinbu avenges his mother by defeating Uzo and Muzo.

Freeing Hohaku, Shinbu finally attains mastery of "Sanbanken". Armed with his newfound "power", Shinbu heads back to the Gate of Byakko.

On his arrival, he finds the Gate of Byakko military preparing against an impending attack from the Gate of Kirin. He meets with Jokushu yet again, and learns that the Gate of Kirin is mounting an attack not only for the Divine Sword of Byakko, but also to obtain "Toshintetsu", a secret treasure that has been passed on through generations.

The Gate of Kirin's forces commence their attack, testing the full might of the army of the Gate of Byakko. General Genra finds his way into the main temple of the Gate of Byakko, and captures Jokushu's lover, Ginritsu. With Ginritsu held hostage, Jokushu is rendered helpless. Taking advantage of the situation, Genra ends the lives of the two lovers.

At the same time, it is revealed that Densei is actually a General whose loyalty is pledged to Gikyo.

Betraying Shinbu and his party, Densei summons Suzaku – one of the Four Divinities – and attacks Shinbu.

Shinbu defeats Suzaku, but Densei escapes with Toshintetsu and Lu-Yan/Li-Yin, the twin sisters who know the location of the Key of the Gate of Kirin. Gikyo's final objective is to release the Demonic General Banko. And to control Banko, Gikyo needed the Toshintetsu.

Pursuing Densei, Shinbu heads for the Gate of Kirin. He is confronted by General Genra and the Byakko Divinity, and then comes face-to-face with General Densei and the Seiryu Divinity. Though he manages to defeat the generals, he learns that he is too late to stop the removal of the Seal of the Gate of Kirin.

As a result, Banko rises again. (The Key of the Gate of Kirin was actually the twin sisters, Lu-Yan and Li-Yin, who were sacrificed to resurrect Banko!)

With the seal now broken, Banko can no longer be locked away. Knowing that the only way to prevent disaster is to defeat Banko, Shinbu engages the Demonic General in battle. The fight is fierce, but in the end Shinbu wields the power of Sanbanken to finally emerge victorious!!!


Peace reigns once more in Ohka...


Press release (30th September 2005)

Key of Heaven™

Game Overview

Three hundred years ago, the known world consisted of 9 continents spread across a vast ocean. The centre of this world was "Ohka", a wondrous continent rich in Oriental mysticism.

Ohka was ruled by five "Bumon," or houses of martial arts, each boasting their own unique fighting style.

It soon became apparent that invading forces led by the "Demonic General" from "Sema", a continent far to the west of Ohka, threatened the rule of the Bumon's.

Following a fierce battle, the five Bumon's finally brought the war to a close, "sealing" the Demonic General in Ohka by means of a mysterious "Key".

With the war ended, all believed that peace would reign eternally....

The story begins with Shinbu, a young boy residing in a village near the Gate of Seiryu, earning his living as a hired bodyguard for travelers visiting the area.

A few years earlier, his parents left on a trip from which they never returned. Rumor had it that his father and mother met with an unfortunate accident. Shinbu now lives with his foster father, Seidatsu.

Like his father, Hohaku, who was adept in the martial arts, Shinbu was a disciple of the Gate of Seiryu. However, Shinbu was expelled from the Bumon when he was caught attempting to read the "Monument of Secrets", a right he had yet to earn. One day, while returning to his village after delivering a traveler to safety, Shinbu saves a girl named Suirin - a disciple of the Gate of Seiryu - from being attacked by members of the Gate of Kirin. Suirin was on her way to see Shinbu.

When Suirin learns that her rescuer is the one she seeks, she informs Shinbu that a party from the Gate of Kirin raided the Gate of Seiryu, and that the Master of the Gate of Seiryu and all his disciples - with the exception of herself - are dead. She goes on to explain that the group took the Divine Sword of Seiryu.

As the only survivor of her Bumon, Suirin sought Shinbu in the hope that he would help her recover the sword and restore the Gate of Seiryu. Having been deemed unworthy and expelled from the Gate of Seiryu, Shinbu was troubled by Suirin's request. However, his doubts are dismissed when Seidatsu, his foster father, hands him the "Singing Sword" which was bequeathed to Shinbu by his father, Hohaku.

Armed with the wise teachings of Seidatsu and his father's sword, Shinbu decides to join Suirin in her quest....

Playing as Shinbu, use your deadly swordsmanship skills to avenge your clan's decimation and restore the balance of powers across the land.

  • Create your own martial arts style by combining more than 150 skills, yielding countless combinations.

  • Easy to control with simple one-button operation, unleash deadly sword actions.

  • Download new shields, skills, and a sword via Infrastructure Mode to develop your swordsmanship skills.

  • Show off and exchange your skills with wireless connectivity using Ad-Hoc Mode.

  • Expand your arsenal of moves by finding and collecting various skills as you progress.



Press release (30th September 2005)

An outcast swordsman seeks to restore the Kingdom of Ouka, when the alliance of the five ruling clans is betrayed.

  • Twenty hours of Role Playing Game action
  • Create your own martial-arts sword style
  • Engage in multiplayer combat via Wireless Ad Hoc Mode


To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See for more details.
Experience Key of Heaven originally released on the PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.


PlayStation Store Description

To play this game on PS5, your system may need to be updated to the latest system software. Although this game is playable on PS5, some features available on PS4 may be absent. See for more details.
Experience Kingdom of Paradise originally released on the PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) system, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.


PlayStation Store Description

このゲームをPS5でプレイするには、システムソフトウェアを最新バージョンにアップデートしてください。このゲームはPS5でプレイできますが、PS4で利用できる機能の一部はPS5では利用できない場合があります。詳細については を参照してください。


PlayStation Store Description

Contributed by DreinIX, Sciere, BOIADEIRO ERRANTE, Rik Hideto.

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