Patriots: A Nation Under Fire

aka: Patriots: Invasion USA
Moby ID: 28325

Terrorists have just invaded US soil in an attempt to overthrow the superpower and achieve global supremacy. 50 major cities have already been devastated by nuclear attacks while others are left in total chaos. Join the Resistance as you grab your weapon and take to the streets to fend off the powerful surprise attack. From urban downtown city streets to rural residential parks, you'll engage in countless battles as you help fight for America's freedom.

  • Fight hordes of terrorists with advanced military weapons and tactics
  • A powerful 3D engine that allows for enormous explosions and impressive environmental visual effects
  • Location-specific damage that allows for massive, brutal destruction
  • Fight with numerous realistic and varied weapons in familiar US locations
  • Experience advanced enemy AI as terrorists attempt to snipe, flank, and even suicide bomb you
  • Use your squad of National Guard recruits to your advantage as you engage in intense combat


Contributed by Jeanne.

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