Ratchet & Clank: Going Mobile!

Moby ID: 32010

J2ME version


The Good
Its gameplay is surprisingly good.

Both the series 60 and 40 versions manage to adapt the series to 2D really well despite its limitations.

The weapons, while simple, get the job done and are pretty fun to use, like the boarzooka (the game's morph weapon) and the Circuit jammer, a kinda weak weapon but with a really interesting concept of going in 90° angles. All of them level up to V3 with use, gaining more power.

The game manages to strike a good balance of platforming and shooting, usually having both at once.

Another good thing about it is a little bit of exploration, with titanium bolts scattered through the levels. Getting all of them gives you the Ryno. The series 60 version even has arena challenges, with a variety of challenges like wrench only, sleeping gas challenges and Lancer only challenges.

Going Mobile is a must play for Ratchet and Clank fans, especially when they are not home. A 10/15 mobile game.

There was a sequel planned called Clone Home, developed by Javaground, but it was cancelled despite finishing development. A real shame.

The Bad
It mostly comes down to system limitations, stuff like lack of music which was usual for java phone games. Not much to say here.

The Bottom Line
A great 2D adaptation of the Ratchet and Clank series.

by Sgoc (667) on August 31, 2021

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