Emergency: Fighters for Life

Moby ID: 3277

In the ultimate challenge of real time strategy: You are the head of operations of the rescue division of the fire department and police. Starting with a few rescue vehicles and simple tasks, you will soon find yourself struggling for the lives of numerous people involved in accidents.

Just like everyday emergency incidents, the game demands a maximum of concentration and flexibility, so that you can respond quickly and successfully to all injuries and dangers like plane-crashes, fires, flooding, hurricanes or terrorist attacks.

Guide your vehicles and rescuers-cleverly and effectively through 30 dangerous missions! With growing success, expand the network of your bases and increase your vehicle fleet.


  • Detailed isometric graphics

  • 30 missions in three game phases

  • Prerendered sequences of all accidents

  • Realistic scenario

  • Total control over vehicles and rescuers

  • Over 20 different rescue vehicles

  • "Inside view" of buildings

  • Resolution 800x600

  • Designed for Windows 95


Back of Box (Windows)


MINNEAPOLIS, June 5, 1998 Chemical spills, tornadoes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks and protests gone awry are just a few of the life-threatening situations gamers will encounter in the latest PC release from WizardWorks. Taken straight from today's headlines, Emergency: Fighters for Life, puts gamers in command of real-life rescue missions and face-to-face with their worst nightmares.

"Emergency is the first of its kind, a real-time strategy game with the sole purpose of saving people from life-threatening situations that occur every day," said Paul Rinde, senior vice president of Product Development and Acquisition. "Every second counts in this game and, as in real-life, you will encounter nerve-racking situations as injured and distressed victims await and rely on your help."

In Emergency: Fighters for Life, rescue units, police squads and firefighters are deployed at your command. Gamers can mobilize their units of highly specialized medical and police personnel, controlling the crews in their constant battle to save helpless victims. Countless injured are depending on your every move during this head-on fight against time, unforeseeable obstacles and every kind of catastrophe imaginable.Other features of Emergency include: * 30 realistic, emergency-packed, life-threatening missions * more than 30 different air, land and water vehicles and personnel teams to deploy * life-like catastrophes with immersive special effects * full-motion video portraying many of the worst disasters * on-line tutorial gives gamers hints and strategies for successful missions * incredible sound effects including sirens, fires and suffering victims * fully interactive environments including emergency vehicles and buildings * detailed 3D graphics.

Emergency: Fighters for Life is attractively priced at $19.99 and will be available in August at retail outlets nationwide.

Based in Minneapolis, MN, GT Interactive Software Value Products is the industry's number one value software company, publishing PC products under the WizardWorks, CompuWorks and Slash brands. It also operates GW Press, a developer of authorized strategy guides for both computer and video games. The company is a subsidiary of GT Interactive Software, Corp., a leading global publisher of entertainment and edutainment software under the GT Interactive, Cavedog Entertainment, SingleTrac and MacSoft brands for personal computers as well as game consoles from Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. and Nintendo. The company operates development studios in Seattle, Salt Lake City and San Luis Obispo, CA. Located on the World Wide Web at http://www.gtinteractive.com, GT Interactive is publicly traded on the NASDAQ National Market System under the symbol GTIS. GT Value Products is located on the Web at http://www.wizworks.com.


WizardWorks Press Release

Töten, verstümmeln, zerstören ... es reicht.

Leben retten - jetzt bist Du dran!

Hast Du auch genug vom immergleichen Gemetzel? Wer löscht all die Brände, rettet die Leben und kümmert sich im die Verletzten, Unfälle und Katastrophen? Du! Rette Leben, beschütze die Menschen und - mache Deinen Job gut. Wir verlassen uns darauf!



*Emergency - Fighters for Life: Organisationstalent und Strategie sind gefragt! Du koordinierst die Hilfskräfte und Einsatzfahrzeuge wie Polizei, Feuerwehr, Notarzt und Rettungshubschrauber. Deine Leute sind hochspezialisiert und verfügen über modernste Ausrüstungen, aber Du bist verantwortlich!

Dreißig überzeugende und realistische Einsatzszenarien, vom "banalen" Autounfall bis hin zur Nuklearkatastrophe. Du bist der Leiter der Einsatztruppe. Dein Urteilsvermögen und Deine Konzentration entscheiden über Menschenleben und Schicksale. Du hast die Verantwortung!*

Echtzeitsimulation in isometrischer Perspektive

30 Missionen in 3 Spielphasen

Realistische Einsatzszenarien

Volle Kontrolle über Fahrzeuge und Rettungskräfte

Volle Bewegungsfreiheit innerhalb der Gebäude

Über 20 verschiedene Fahrzeuge

Gerenderte Zwischensequenzen

Darstellung in 800+600 Punkten

Soundtrack in CD-Audio

PC-Game für Windows 95

Start: Mai ´98


Print advertisement - PC Player 06/1998

Contributed by Patrick Bregger, Jeanne, Genki.

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