T.R.A.G.: Tactical Rescue Assault Group - Mission of Mercy

aka: Hard Edge
Moby ID: 40448

PlayStation version

Resident Die Hard & Evil featuring Japanese

The Good
Well...I liked the movie Die Hard. I liked the game Resident Evil. It just made sense.

It also gave me a hard edge. I was so very stiff of judgement, that I was contemplating shame. I mean...should I like it? Is it wrong? I don't care...because it feels good.

Specifics: -I enjoyed neutralizing terrorists -I enjoyed the Character-switching mechanics (When I got sick of looking at the female character Michelle...I switched right over to the other female character, Alex.)

The Bad
Nobody wants to remember it...nor do they have a choice. This game isn't GOOD. This game isn't BAD. It's OK.

Note: I also haven't played this game in years, but due to the game's mediocrity...I believe it's the most appropriate way to review this game.

FACT: You could not even play this game...and you'll know it's OK. Therefore, giving it the benefit of doubt...it's Brilliant.

Specifics: -I didn't like the characters. I couldn't relate to either of them. They lacked complete emotion and any resemblance to a human being. -I didn't like the enemies. I couldn't relate to any of them. They had no motives...other than to be in opposition. They weren't even "bad" guys. They were probably just caught up in teenage angst. -I didn't like the story. Couldn't relate. I've had experience working in buildings for corporations and this kind of stuff NEVER HAPPENS. But that's my opinion, I suppose. -I didn't like the camera. You know how Resident Evil creates tension by the viewpoint? Yeah...those zombies didn't have GUNS.

The Bottom Line
Do you like the movie Die Hard? You know the one with the hip black limo driver who takes John McClane to the Nakatamakahakaka Plaza. The one where he jams to Run DMC in the parking floor of the building.

OH...and John McClane fights Snape. You remember that? This game is like that movie. In Japan.

Specifics: -You are members of an Assault Group. -The characters you play as strongly resemble an Anime creators' love dolls. -You assault terrorists by switching back and forth between members in different areas of the building. -By "assault" I mean "Use Guns" -You also assault puzzles -By "assault" I mean "solve" -also, you might just be playing as a security officer watching on the monitors. This building has a lot of monitors.

by Theo Jones (9) on August 16, 2010

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